Oesophago Gastro Duodenoscopy in Patiala

OGD - Oesophago-gastro Duodenoscopy

Oesophago Gastro Duodenoscopy in Patiala


  • OGD or Oesophago-gastro Duodenoscopy is a visual examination of the lining of your oesophagus, stomach and duodenum. 

Pre Procedure

  • You should be on an empty stomach with overnight or 6 to 8 hours of fasting. Post-midnight, you must not consume anything, not even water.

  • You must inform the doctor about your underlying medical conditions and if you are on blood thinners.

During Procedure

  • You are settled comfortably in an area where your privacy is respected throughout the procedure. You will be given a hospital gown to change into.

  • You will have to remove your eyeglasses, contact lenses and dentures. 

  • Local anaesthesia during Gastrointestinal treatment in Patiala is sprayed on your throat to make it numb. You may also be given a sedative by injection.

  • A mouth guard will be placed to protect your teeth.

  • While you are in a comfortable position on your left side, the doctor will pass the endoscope through your mouth and throat. You will be asked to swallow the saliva and not the endoscope.

  • The endoscope will not interfere with your breathing or cause any pain. This process takes about 5 minutes.

  • During OGD, if necessary small tissue samples (Biopsies) can be taken during the examination painlessly for pathologic examination

Consult with the gastro specialists at Manipal Hospitals now. 


Post Procedure:

  • Your throat may feel numb and slightly sore.

  • Please take rest for one full day.

  • You should not attempt to eat or drink until your swallowing reflex is normal.

  • You may return to your regular diet unless otherwise instructed.

  • You may feel slightly bloated due to the air which has been introduced through the endoscope.

  • If you have had a sedative injection, a companion must be available to drive you home. For the remainder of the day, you should not drive a car, operate machinery or make important decisions as the sedation impairs your reflexes and judgement.

  • Upper GI endoscopy is generally a safe procedure although on rare occasions, complications such as cardio-respiratory problems, tear of the intestine or bleeding may occur. Please contact your doctor immediately, in such cases.

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