The Pros And Cons Of Renal Transplantation

Dr. Nitin Kumar
6 Min Read
Feb 02, 2024
A Renal Transplant or Kidney Transplant removes a diseased Kidney from the body and replaces it with a living or deceased donor's healthy kidney. It is required in patients suffering end stage kidney failure.
Manipal Hospitals are the leading facilities for Kidney treatments in the country. Our Nephrology department beholds multidisciplinary specialists, Surgeons, Nephrologists and Healthcare Staff who recommend the best treatment option for each patient based on thorough exams and assessments of the patient's health.
We have the latest medical technology and treatment procedures to manage various kidney diseases and transplant procedures making us the best hospital for kidney transplants.
The Kidneys are bean-shaped organs. Their function is to filter and remove the fluid waste and excess minerals from the body via urine. There are two Kidneys in a normal healthy human body. When the Kidneys stop normal functioning, harmful toxic waste and fluids accumulate in the body, which may lead to various discomforts such as an increase in blood pressure, swelling and water retention in the body. Prolonged dysfunction can lead to severe damage to the kidneys and overall health. End-Stage Renal Diseases occur when the Kidneys lose 90 % of their function.
Some common causes of Kidney malfunction are:
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Chronic Glomerulonephritis
For patients with End-Stage Renal Diseases, the first course of treatment is usually Dialysis. The doctors recommend a Kidney Transplant if the Dialysis is not helpful.
A Renal Transplant is the only solution for Kidney failure. When compared to Dialysis, a Kidney Transplant has the following advantages:
Better life quality.
Fewer dietary restrictions.
Lower treatment cost (long-term).
Lower risk of complications.
The doctors consider the following factors before recommending a Renal Transplant.
Health conditions
Heart health
Active or recently treated Cancer.
Other factors that may hinder the procedure and may cause organ rejection:
Mental health.
Alcohol or drug use.
Kidney Transplantation can help treat End-Stage Renal Diseases, but some Kidney diseases may return after a transplant.
The risks and complications associated with a Renal Transplant are because of Surgery and donor organ rejection. Few complications may arise due to the side effects of the anti-rejection medicines after the transplant.
Risks Associated With Surgery
Blood clotting.
Failure or rejection of the donor's Kidney.
Leakage from or blockage of the Ureter.
Death, Heart Attack and Stroke.
Infection or Cancer from the donated Kidney.
High blood pressure.
High cholesterol.
Bone thinning and damage.
The excess hair growth or hair loss.
Weight gain.
Increased risk of Cancer.
It is better to prepare self and family by understanding the procedure, associated complications and aftercare.
The next important thing is to look for a donor's Kidney.
The patient can contact the transplant centre to request a living or deceased donor.
If a family member is donating the Kidney, the doctors may suggest several tests to check the compatibility.
The patient should also get an estimate of the total costs. The expenses will include Tests, Organ Handling, Surgery, Hospital Stay, and Medicines.
After finding a donor, the doctors will evaluate the patient's health and medical conditions to check if they can tolerate the Surgery and post-transplant medicines.
The evaluation will take several days, and the patient needs to get the following tests:
A complete physical exam.
Blood tests
Imaging tests like X-Ray, MRI, and CT-Scan.
Psychological evaluation, among others.
The doctors will decide on a further course of action based on the results.
Before The Procedure
The doctors will evaluate if the donor's Kidney is compatible with the patient.
The patient needs to undergo the following tests:
Blood typing.
Tissue typing (Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Typing).
The doctors also consider age, kidney size and infection exposure.
Finding a donor is a tedious task. It may take years to get a suitable donor. In the meantime, the patient should:
Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Take the medicines.
Quit smoking.
During The Procedure
The patient gets general anaesthesia to put them to sleep during the procedure.
The healthcare team monitors the patient's blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen level.
The Surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen's lower part on one side and places the donor kidney into the body.
If the patient's kidneys are not causing any complications, the doctors may not take them out.
Next, they attach the blood vessels of the new Kidney to the blood vessels in the lower part of the abdomen.
The surgeons connect the new Kidneys Ureter to the bladder.
After the Procedure
The patient goes into the recovery room after the Surgery. The nurses will continuously monitor the vitals and check for any signs of complications.
The patient stays in the hospital for 7 to 10 days.
The new kidneys may start functioning immediately or may take a few days. In the meantime, the patient may need temporary Dialysis.
The patient may feel sore around the incision site. Pain medicines will help to manage it.
Complete recovery takes around eight weeks.
The patients should:
Avoid lifting heavy things.
Avoid strenuous exercises.
Frequently visit the doctor for checkups.
Take medicines (Immunosuppressant drugs) to prevent organ rejection.
Life after a kidney transplant can be very much normal and healthy. Patients can take part in their activities of interest and lead a healthy life full of vigour. Maintaining good health and dietary habits can help you a long way to keeping well.
To keep the new Kidney healthy and functioning, the patient needs to make a few amendments to their diet.
Consulting a dietitian may help to plan out a diet suitable after the surgery.
Some medicines may result in weight gain. The patient must maintain a healthy body weight to avoid the risks of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.
Regular mild exercise as directed by the physician, after the transplantation helps manage weight and stress levels and prevent post-transplant complications.
The patient should start walking after the procedure but only gradually begin exercising. Intense workouts should be avoided in the initial days to prevent injuries.
After the Surgery, the patient should perform regular skin checkups with a Dermatologist to screen for Skin Cancer and signs of other complications that may arise due to side effects of medication.
Skipping the medicines for a short time can have serious complications. The patient must therefore be very punctual about their medication and follow the advice of their doctor to avoid complications.
A Renal Transplant or Kidney Transplant is an open surgical procedure for End-Stage Renal Failure. Kidney failure occurs due to underlying conditions like Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Polycystic Kidney Diseases and Glomerulonephritis.
The human body has two Kidneys whose function is to flush out the excess fluid, waste and toxins from the body in the form of urine. End-Stage Renal Diseases occur when 90% of kidneys fail to perform their function. As a result, the doctors recommend Dialysis or Renal Transplant.
Before the Surgery, the patient needs to find a compatible donor Kidney. The donor can be living or deceased. The doctors may recommend several physical, blood, and imaging tests to check if the body will accept the new Kidney.
The Surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen's lower part. They place the new Kidney and attach its blood vessels to the blood vessels of the lower abdomen. They also connect the new Kidney to the Ureter.
The Kidney may start functioning immediately or may take a few days. Meanwhile, the patient gets Temporary Dialysis to maintain body function and prevent any accumulation of fluid waste in the body.
The patient stays under observation for several days at the hospital. Complete recovery takes around six weeks.
Post-transplant care is crucial to avoid any complications. The patient must take their medicine daily for a lifetime and also maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Consult our transplant surgeons in Patiala at our kidney transplant hospital if you or your loved one needs a kidney transplant.
Manipal Hospitals is the best kidney transplant hospital in Patiala. Our world-class facilities include:
Highly sterile and controlled-environment wards.
High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter unit to prevent infections.
State-of-the-art Operation Theatres
Advanced Labs
Post-Transplant ICUs
Living-Related Donor Kidney Transplant
ABO-Incompatible Kidney Transplant
24-hour blood bank facilities
Convenient environment for both the patients and attendants
Sophisticated imaging techniques include 1.5 Tesla MRI machines, a 50-slice CT scanner, and state-of-the-art ultrasound facilities.
Raw and undercooked meat, poultry, and fish.
Seafood like prawns, clams, oysters, crab, mussels, and squid.
Unpasteurised milk and milk products.
Uncooked or undercooked eggs.
Grapefruit, pomegranate fruit.
Unpasteurised juices.
Unwashed raw fruits and vegetables.
Consult our best hospital for kidney transplants for more information.
The patient should immediately contact the doctor if they experience any of the following symptoms:
High fever
Shortness of breath
New chest pain
Severe headache
Feeling hot or shivery
Rejection of the transplanted organ is the biggest concern after a renal transplant. It is a natural response of the body's immune system to reject any foreign body. Anti-rejection medicines are therefore prescribed to ensure acceptance of the organ in the body. The doctors ask the patients for several tests after the Surgery to check for any symptoms of Renal Failure. Manipal Hospitals have India's best facilities for Renal Transplants in India and is considered the best hospital for kidney transplants.
After a Kidney Transplant, the patient usually recovers within two months. Thorough aftercare and maintenance activities including medication are required to support transplant acceptance in the body of the recipient.
The patient stays in the hospital for seven to ten days after the surgery depending on their bodily response to the transplant and healing response. During this time, the doctors closely monitor them for any signs of complications. Consult our best hospital for kidney transplants for more information.
Studies have shown that a living donor transplant has a higher survival rate than a deceased donor renal transplant. The better survival rate is partly because the kidney can be evaluated more thoroughly before the transplantation.
A living donor allows comprehensive evaluations of blood and other tests before the surgery, which reduces the chances of complications during surgery.
Patients can avoid going through dialysis complications in the case of a pre-emptive kidney transplant from a living donor.
Kidney transplant patients have fewer dietary restrictions than dialysis patients, but some essential guidelines remain. The best kidney transplant hospital has dedicated dieticians to help patients. Some recommendations include the following:
Five small servings of fruits and vegetables every day
Avoiding grapefruit
Including enough fibre in the daily diet
Eating lean meats, poultry and fish
Eating a low-salt diet
Staying hydrated
The process of kidney transplant surgery involves several steps.
The surgeon might recommend general anaesthesia.
The medical team monitors heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen level throughout the transplant surgery.
The surgeon makes a lower abdomen incision on either side of the groin.
The surgeon transplants the new kidney into the body by connecting its blood vessels to existing blood vessels in the lower abdomen allowing blood to flow from the heart through the new kidney's artery and into its vein.
Surgeons may not remove the existing one unless they cause complications such as high blood pressure or kidney stones. To know more, consult with a kidney transplant doctor in Patiala.
Surgeons attach the blood vessels of the new kidney to blood vessels in the abdomen and connect its ureter to the bladder.
After the transplant surgery, it is essential to rest and recover and spend a few days in the hospital under observation due to complications and recovery. Some patients may need temporary dialysis until the new kidneys start functioning.
Most patients can resume everyday activities within eight weeks after the transplant. Doctors may recommend frequent tests to ensure that kidneys are functioning smoothly. Most patients stay on immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of their life.