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Normal vaginal delivery is the most common way of delivering a baby through the vagina. It is also called 'normal' delivery in everyday casual talk as it is the most natural or usual way known to people.
A vaginal delivery has three stages:
Birth and
Delivering the placenta.
To know more book an appointment at the best obstetrics and gynaecology hospital in Patiala and get the finest treatment.
Having vaginal delivery has several benefits for the mother and the baby as listed below:
For Mother
No need for surgical intervention
Faster lactation
Quick recovery time
Short hospital stay
Lower complications for future pregnancies
For Baby
Improved immune function
Lower chances of respiratory issues
Doctors at the best multispecialty hospital in Patiala recommend vaginal delivery to reduce the risks and complications associated with surgical childbirth.
Vaginal delivery occurs when the baby is the full term between 37 and 42 weeks.
Vaginal delivery is one of the safest childbirth options. However, it also has some risks and complications.
These include:
Labour that does not progress
Perineal tears
Problem with the umbilical cord
Abnormal heart rhythm of the baby
Water breaking early
Perinatal Asphyxia
Shoulder Dystocia
Excessive Bleeding
The chances of complications increase, if
The term is over 42 weeks
The mother is at a high-risk age
The previous delivery was a C-section
The doctors suggest practising pelvic exercises like squatting, specific yoga poses and breathing exercises to prepare for labour after 36 weeks of pregnancy.
The mother should pack the hospital bag with all the essentials for herself and the baby.
Before the procedure, the mother needs to empty the bowel.
Labour has three stages. It starts with uterine contractions that push the baby out through the birth canal and results in delivery.
Stage 1: Early Labor and Active Labor
The first stage of labour involves the start of persistent contractions that become stronger, more regular and more frequent over time.
The first stage results in the opening of the cervix (dilation) and softening and shortening of the thin efface for the baby to move into the birth canal.
The doctors may use drugs and manual techniques to progress the labour.
It is the longest stage and varies from one mother to another. It has two phases:
Early labour: During early labour, the contractions are mild and irregular. It causes dilation and may cause bloody discharge from the vagina. It indicates the mucus plug blocking the cervical opening during pregnancy. Early labour is not uncomfortable until the contractions become intense. The mother can relax by:
Going for a walk
Taking a shower
Listening to relaxing music
Practising breathing and relaxation techniques
Changing positions
The mother should reach the hospital if the water breaks or they experience vaginal bleeding.
Active labour: Active labour starts when the cervix dilates from 6 cm to 10 cm. During this time, the contractions become intense, regular and frequent.
The mother may feel leg cramps, nausea, and pressure in the back.
The water might break at this time. The mother should reach the hospital immediately.
The mother can ask for pain medications and anaesthesia (epidural block) at this stage.
Active labour progresses faster and usually lasts 4 to 8 hours or more.
Try breathing and relaxation techniques to relieve the pain during the contractions. Unless the doctor asks the mother to be in a specific position for monitoring purposes, they can comfort themselves by:
Changing positions
Taking a walk, breathing through the contractions
Take a warm shower
Roll on a birthing ball
Have a gentle massage between contractions
As the labour progresses into the last part of active labour (called transition), the contractions become intense, painful, and frequent.
There might be increased pressure in the back and rectum.
At this stage, the mother might feel the urge to push.
The gynecologist will check for the dilation and ask to hold back depending on the cervix opening. It can tire the mother and swell the cervix, resulting in a delay in the delivery.
The doctors recommend pushing during the contractions. This stage lasts 15 minutes to an hour.
This stage involves the birth of the baby.
The mother needs to push through the contractions till the baby comes out. It may take longer in the first pregnancy or if the mother takes an epidural.
The doctors and healthcare team guide the mother in pushing and comforting her throughout.
The mother can push in any way she feels comfortable- sitting, kneeling, or lying down.
Once the baby's head is visible and delivered, the rest of the body comes out shortly.
The doctors clear the baby's mouth and nose.
In uncomplicated delivery, the doctors wait for some time before clamping and cutting the umbilical cord.
The push helps to increase the flow of nutrient-rich blood from the placenta and umbilical cord and aids in the baby's healthy development and growth.
After the baby is born, the doctors put the baby on the mother's chest or in her arms.
The last stage is the delivery of the placenta, in which the contractions will be mild and less painful.
These contractions move the placenta into the birth canal.
The mother might get medications for uterine contractions and to reduce the bleeding.
The whole process takes around an hour to complete.
The doctors remove the complete placenta from the uterus to avoid complications.
The uterus begins to contract and return to its size gradually.
The mother bleeds for a few days after childbirth.
The doctors check the vaginal region for tears and stitch them with local anaesthesia.
The mother and the baby stay in the hospital for a few days depending upon the requirement.
The gynecologist will schedule a follow-up appointment after four weeks of the delivery to check the stitches and healing.
Manipal Hospitals redefines the blissful journey of motherhood.
The state-of-the-art facility boasts the latest medical advancements in the Department of Gynaecology.
The healthcare staff includes doctors, gynaecologists, surgeons and nurses who ensure the pregnancy journey, labour, and delivery is a smooth and seamless experience for both the mother and the baby. Experienced emergency teams with specialization in child care are also available in case of complex birthing situations. The caring and compassionate team makes it a point to prioritize each patient and understand their needs during such times.
The doctors suggest pelvic exercises like squatting after 36 weeks of pregnancy, breathing and relaxation techniques to calm and relax the body.
Sometimes, the doctors use forceps or a ventouse suction cup to take the baby out of the birth canal. The doctors perform assisted vaginal delivery only when necessary.
The mother recovers faster after vaginal delivery in comparison to a cesarean section. It may still take around 4-6 weeks to recover depending on the overall health of the mother post delivery.
The doctors recommend a C-section if the labour is not progressing, the baby is in distress, or some complications arise during the vaginal delivery.
An Epidural Block is an anaesthetic that relieves pain during the first stage of labour.
Vaginal delivery is the most common method in which the baby comes out through the birth canal without surgical intervention. It is also called 'normal' delivery owing to its universality. There are three stages of vaginal delivery. The first stage is early and active labour. The mother experiences mild and irregular contractions, which become more intense and frequent. The contractions result in the dilation to make way for the baby to come out. The doctors may use drugs to induce contractions. Once the cervix is 10 cm dilated, the second stage begins involving the birth. It is tiresome and requires the mother to push constantly. Once the head of the baby is out, the body comes out shortly. The third stage is delivering the placenta. The doctors ensure all of the placentae are out of the uterus to minimize infection and bleeding. The doctors might stitch if there are any vaginal tears. The mother stays in the hospital for 1-2 days after the delivery. The gynecologists in Patiala will schedule an appointment after four weeks after the delivery to check for healing. Vaginal delivery has several health advantages and has lower associated risks and complications. Contact us now to get the finest normal vaginal delivery in Patiala at Manipal Hospitals.
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