Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition that causes high blood sugar levels in your body. This happens when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when your body is unable to utilize the insulin it produces.
Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate your blood sugar levels. It is naturally produced by your pancreas. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes has affected close to 422 million people and still counting. It is also one of the leading causes of death with an estimated 1.5 million deaths.
If you are looking for diabetes mellitus treatment in Salem then immediately visit Manipal Hospital.
Types of Diabetes
There are three main types of diabetes - type 1, type 2, and gestational.
1. Type 1 diabetes
Diabetes mellitus that was previously known as insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes is type 1 diabetes. This usually occurs in children and the body is unable to produce insulin.
2. Type 2 diabetes
Formerly known as non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset diabetes, type 2 diabetes is caused due to your body’s inability to use the insulin that is being produced by the pancreas. More than 95% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.
3. Gestational diabetes
This is a condition that occurs only in pregnant women. The blood sugar levels increase during pregnancy and can cause complications during pregnancy and delivery.
Symptoms of diabetes
Increased urination especially at night
Increased thirst
Sudden weight loss without trying
Increased appetite
Blurry vision
Numbness and tingling of hands and feet
Dry skin
Sores that heal slowly
Increased infections
Management of diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a lifestyle disorder that requires a holistic approach to its treatment and management. Regulating your blood sugar levels and keeping them under control can be challenging. You will need to make conscious changes in your lifestyle along with the medications prescribed by your physician.
1. Dietary changes
Portion control - You need to limit your portion size for each type of food. Simple meal planning and measuring your portions will help ensure accurate portion size.
Carbohydrate counting - Along the lines of portion control, counting your carbs helps regulate your blood sugar levels.
Avoid sugary and processed foods - Steer clear of sugar-sweetened drinks, and processed foods that are high in calories and lack nutrition.
2. Exercise
Exercising daily will help you maintain your ideal body weight. Losing about 5% of your total body weight can help regulate your blood sugar levels.
3. Habits
If you are a smoker or consume alcohol, you must stop it right away.
4. Medications
Medical therapy for diabetes includes oral medicines as well as insulin injections.
Oral medicines - These are oral hypoglycaemic agents (OHAs) that help regulate your blood sugar levels. There are different groups of drugs that are used based on the symptoms, the patient’s body type, and the way you wish to manage your blood sugar levels. Your physician will prescribe you the medicines accordingly.
Insulin therapy - Insulin injections or pumps are used in patients with type 1 diabetes. Type – 2 Diabetics also can start early insulin therapy to conserve the pancreatic beta cell reserve.
Benefits of Insulin Therapy
Studies show that earlier initiation of insulin therapy improves the outcomes in obese patients. This helps reduce the risk of complications caused due to diabetes.
Advantages of using insulin therapy for people with diabetes include:
Reduces the effects of symptoms due to high blood sugar levels like fatigue or the urge to pee.
Insulin dosage can be altered based on your daily blood sugar levels.
The risk of developing complications is reduced with the use of insulin.
Your pancreas is not under any pressure to produce adequate insulin and they can rest for a while when you are on your insulin injections.
Based on your requirements, you can opt for a long-acting form of insulin or a short-acting form.
Insulin helps prevent post-meal sugar spikes in people with diabetes.
Earlier insulin therapy in Type – 2 diabetes helps reduce the number and dose of oral drugs.
There is no need to be afraid or worried about using insulin. Consult your doctor and discuss all the pros and cons of using insulin therapy with or without oral medications. Opt for what suits your routine and meal patterns along with what will work effectively in your case.
Manipal is a Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Hospital in Salem having a team of good endocrinologists in Salem who have more than 30 years of experience together and are experienced in handling complex cases.