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Department of Neurosurgery

Diagnosis And Management Of Febrile Seizures

Posted On: Apr 10, 2023
blogs read 3 Min Read
Febrile Seizures treatment in Salem

Febrile seizures are a common type of convulsion that can occur in young children, typically those between the ages of six months to five years old. A febrile seizure is a seizure that is caused by a high fever, usually associated with an infection. This condition is usually not serious, but it should still be taken seriously and treated properly. In this blog, we will discuss the diagnosis and management of febrile seizures, as well as the symptoms and treatments associated with them.

What are Febrile Seizures? 

A febrile seizure is the most common neurologic disorder in children, accounting for nearly 5 - 10% of Indian children. It is a convulsion or spasm caused by a rapid rise in body temperature, usually due to an infection. Febrile seizures can affect children of any age but are most common between the ages of six months and five years. In most cases, the seizure does not last long and does not cause any lasting damage. 

Visit a top hospital for febrile seizure treatment in Salem in case your child is experiencing the below symptoms.

Symptoms of Febrile Seizures

The most common symptom of a febrile seizure is a convulsion or spasm, which can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. During a seizure, your child may become unconscious, experience uncontrollable jerking or spasms of their arms and legs, or become limp or stiff. They may also become pale, have shallow or irregular breathing, or have a change in their level of consciousness.

They may also experience an altered state of mind or confusion and may even appear to be unaware of their surroundings. In some cases, they may have a sudden increase in body temperature, or they may become flushed. In addition to these physical symptoms, your child may also experience fear or anxiety.

Diagnosing Febrile Seizures

The doctor will ask about the patient's medical history, conduct a physical exam, and order tests to determine the cause of the seizure. This may include a urine test, a blood test, or an electroencephalogram (EEG). The doctor may also order a spinal tap to test for meningitis or other infections. In some cases, an MRI or CT scan may be ordered to determine the cause of the seizure. After the tests are complete, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and provide treatment for the seizure.

Treatment for Febrile Seizures

Treatment for febrile seizures usually involves treating the underlying infection and managing the seizure itself. The doctor may prescribe medications to help reduce the fever and control the seizure. In some cases, the doctor may also prescribe anticonvulsant medications to help prevent future seizures.

In most cases, a febrile seizure does not require any special medical attention. If your child has a febrile seizure, it is important to stay with them and comfort them until the seizure stops. It is also important to note the time the seizure started and how long it lasted, as this information can be helpful in diagnosing and treating the underlying infection.

Consult a top neurosurgeon in Salem if your child needs treatment for Febrile Seizures

Prevention of Febrile Seizures

While there is no surefire way to prevent febrile seizures, there are some steps you can take to reduce the risk.

  • Be sure to keep your child's vaccinations up-to-date, as certain vaccinations can help protect against certain infections that can lead to febrile seizures.

  • It is important to make sure your child is not exposed to extreme temperatures, as this can also lead to a seizure.

  • It is also important to remain aware of your child's overall health and to take quick action if they develop a fever. If your child has a fever, be sure to give them medication to reduce the fever as soon as possible.

  • Additionally, make sure your child gets enough rest, as fatigue can be a trigger for seizures.

  • Try to keep a consistent bedtime and schedule for your child and make sure they get enough sleep each night.

  • Finally, make sure to discuss any concerns with your child's doctor to ensure they are healthy and seizure-free.

Febrile seizures are a common type of seizure in children, usually caused by a high fever and an underlying infection. While these seizures are usually not serious and do not cause any lasting damage, it is still important to seek medical attention. By understanding the symptoms and treatments associated with febrile seizures, as well as taking steps to reduce the risk of them occurring, parents can help ensure their children remain healthy.


  • What causes febrile seizures?

Febrile seizures are caused by a rapid rise in body temperature, usually due to an infection such as a cold, ear infection, or urinary tract infection.

  • What are the long-term effects of febrile seizures?

Most children who have had a febrile seizure will not have any long-term effects. However, some children may be at an increased risk for developing epilepsy or other neurological problems, such as learning disabilities or behavioural problems later in life.

  • How are febrile seizures managed?

Febrile seizures can be managed by treating the underlying infection, such as with antibiotics if the cause is bacterial. It is also important to ensure that the child is not dehydrated and to keep the child cool. In some cases, anti-seizure medications may be prescribed to reduce the frequency of seizures.

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