Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death for people of all ages, including children. One out of ten kids suffers from congenital heart disease in India, which takes a toll on the child’s health and overall well-being.
Understanding Heart Disease in Children
Heart disease in children can be congenital, or it can be acquired like in adults. Acquired heart diseases include Kawasaki disease, rheumatic heart disease, heart disease due to obesity, etc. As the human body develops with age, challenges related to heart disease are different for children than that of adults.
Visit a top heart hospital in Salem if you need heart disease treatment.
Congenital Heart Disease Among Children
The majority of heart diseases in children are congenital, which usually deal with the structural impairment of the heart, such as:
Coarctation of the aorta (narrowing of the aortic valve restricting blood flow).
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome - HLHS (underdeveloped left side of the heart).
Atrial or ventricular septal defect (hole in the upper or lower chamber of the heart).
Congenital mitral valve anomalies (thick, stiff, or deformed condition of the valve between the heart's two left chambers, called mitral valve).
Congenital heart disease usually occurs during foetal development, and its effects can vary from one child to another.
Acquired Childhood Heart Disease
Kawasaki and rheumatic heart disease are children's most common types of acquired heart disease.
In Kawasaki disease, your child’s main immune system attacks healthy tissues, causing inflammation in the muscles of the heart and coronary arteries.
Rheumatic heart disease can be the most adverse effect of rheumatic fever caused by bacterial infection.
Symptoms of Heart Disease in Children
Look out for the below general symptoms your child may experience:
The lips and skin of your child get discoloured, turning bluish because of inadequate oxygen supply. This condition is called cyanosis.
Your child may find breathing challenging, especially when engaging in physical activities.
Children with heart disease may be reluctant to eat and get tired.
They may get dizzy or even faint due to heart conditions.
One of the symptoms the doctor may recognize is the murmuring sound of the heart.
Your child may feel serious discomfort or pain in their chest.
There may also be swelling in the legs, abdomen, and ankles.
Consult an Interventional Cardiologist in Salem as soon as possible if your child is showing any of the above symptoms, as conditions like the abnormal sound of the heart can only be diagnosed by doctors.
What Causes Heart Disease in Children?
Addressing childhood heart disease beforehand will help you take some precautions, keep yourself aware, and try to avoid the most common causes. These include:
Congenital heart issues are usually caused by genetic disorders, like diseases that run in your or your partner’s family.
When pregnant, if you have infections, allergies to specific medications, or exposure to toxic materials, it can pass on to the child causing heart disease.
If you have diabetes, rubella infection, or obesity, it can increase the risk of congenital heart disease for your child.
Diagnosis of Childhood Heart Disease
Cardiology specialists efficiently diagnose heart diseases in children by examining the baby, his/her medical history and symptoms, and running tests. They may also perform an ECG or EKG to test your child’s heart's electrical activity and detect any irregularity.
Cardiac ultrasound (echocardiography) uses sound waves to create an image of the heart’s functions and structures that help detect congenital heart disease. Additionally, chest X-rays help doctors analyze the size and shape of your child’s heart and identify lung issues. The most effective diagnostic method is MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), where doctors can thoroughly study your child’s heart structure and blood flow, allowing them to curate proper treatment plans.
Treatment of Heart Disease in Children
Most congenital cardiac defects are detected shortly after birth since babies are closely monitored by neonatologists before discharge. A treatment plan is then made to correct the heart issue to prevent future complications before the baby leaves the hospital. The treatments may include:
Medications as prescribed by your doctor.
Open-heart surgery or minimally invasive heart procedures.
Cardiac catheterization.
Fetal cardiac intervention if the diagnosis is made before birth.
In severe cases where no other option can treat heart disease in children, heart transplantation may become absolutely necessary.
Doctors may recommend parents modify their child’s lifestyle, such as dietary restrictions, etc. It is also equally important to visit the doctor as per the scheduled appointments to monitor and ensure the safety of your baby’s health.
Heart disease in children is surely a worrying factor for every family. So, the faster it can be diagnosed and treated, the better it is for you and your child. Visit the Manipal Hospitals to consult with an interventional cardiologist in Salem and get the best possible treatment in Tamil Nadu.
1. Can congenital heart disease be diagnosed before birth?
Yes, certain congenital heart diseases can be diagnosed during pregnancy with a fetal echocardiogram test which helps your doctors to initiate treatment accordingly. Consult an interventional cardiologist in Salem to get more detailed information.
2. Can heart disease in children be cured?
Most congenital heart defects can be repaired through surgical intervention. Heart transplants remain the last option if a disease can’t be treated.
3. Can children with heart disease participate in physical activities?
It usually depends on the individual condition of your child. While for some, the doctors may restrict some physical activities, for others, the doctor may recommend regular moderate-level exercises while maintaining precautions