
Dr. Sangeshwaran

Consultant - Internal Medicine

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Reviewed by

Dr. Sangeshwaran

Consultant - Internal Medicine

Manipal Hospitals, Salem

Summer Safety Tips: Keeping Your Family Healthy And Happy

Reviewed by:

Dr. Sangeshwaran

Posted On: May 28, 2024

blogs read 5 Min Read

Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke: Symptoms and Prevention Tips

With the mercury rising and the school bell ringing its final chime, it's time to welcome the carefree joys of summer! But before you plunge headlong into the season's thrills, let's discuss some essential summer safety tips to ensure your family's fun is free from any unplanned health worries! In this blog, we have talked about signs of summer heat and how you can keep yourself and your family healthy and safe. 

Hot, humid weather can be harmful to your health. Indeed, among weather-related risks, the most common cause of health worry can be high temperatures. In scorching hot summers, your body works more just to maintain a normal temperature. Older adults and those with other health ailments are at a higher risk of summer health hazards like heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or even dehydration.


Signs and Symptoms of Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are two common summer illnesses that occur when your body struggles to regulate its temperature. Heat stroke is a severe medical emergency and requires immediate attention from doctors to prevent complications. Dehydration is another common phenomenon seen in many individuals during summer.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include

  • Muscle cramps

  • Heavy sweating

  • Weakness

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

Heat stroke symptoms include:

  • High body temperature

  • Confusion

  • Loss of consciousness

Consult our internal medicine hospital in Salem if you are experiencing signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion.

Crucial Summer Heat Safety Tips from Heat Stroke and Exhaustion

The following are some of the crucial Summer Heat safety tips for Heat Stroke and Exhaustion that you must follow:

Stay hydrated

Many people neglect to hydrate adequately, which can trigger dehydration and other conditions. Always keep a bottle of water with you, and take small sips throughout the day. Dehydration can cause headaches, lightheadedness, or even a fainting episode.

Practice Water Safety

Who doesn't enjoy taking a swim in the pool or going to the beach? Water safety, however, is a serious matter that must be strictly followed. Kids should avoid swimming alone or entering the water without adult supervision. Stick to designated swimming areas staffed by watchful lifeguards. 

Keep Food Safety in Mind

With the warmer weather, the risk of foodborne illnesses increases. Thus, food safety is also a major consideration. To keep food safe in humid conditions: 

  • Avoid keeping perishable food out in sunlight 

  • Pack your meals in an insulated cooler containing ice packs

  • Use separate chopping boards for raw meat and veggies

  • Wash your hands frequently, particularly after handling raw meat

  • Cook the meat to the appropriate temperature

  • Be sure to clean your cutlery between usage 

Avoid Heat Exhaustion

Summer demands outdoor activities, but remember to pay close attention to your body. Heat exhaustion is a serious hazard, so if you feel dizzy or lightheaded, seek shade and lay down with a moist cloth. 

  • Take breaks and keep yourself hydrated

  • Wear loose, breathable clothes during the daytime

  • Avoid going out in the peak hours, unless very important

Wear Sunscreen

Sunburn is a common issue, and sunscreen lotion is the best way to safeguard your skin from harmful UV exposure. Use sunscreen lotions with SPF 30, or ask your dermatologist. Ensure you reapply it after every 4 hours during aquatic endeavours or sweat-inducing activities.

Beware of Bugs

Summer heralds the advent of bothersome insects like mosquitoes and ticks which can spread diseases, including Malaria, Dengue, Lyme disease, etc. Thus, don't forget to use insect repellent during outdoor excursions, especially amidst public or wooded spaces. Post-hiking or trekking, remember to clean yourself and inspect for ticks.

Consult our internal medicine specialist in Salem if you need heat stroke treatment.

Summer First Aid Kit

Summertime safety tips also involve having a personal first-aid kit on hand to treat frequent summer medical conditions. You may buy a built-in first aid kit online or create your own. Ensure you have the below items in your summer safety kit:

  • Water bottles/beverages. 

  • Sunscreen lotions. 

  • Bug spray for mosquito repellents. 

  • Antibiotic ointment lotion and tape for minor cuts and scrapes.

  • Hydrocortisone lotion to ease itchiness and irritation from poisonous plants.

By following these summer safety tips, you can create unforgettable memories while keeping your loved ones safe and healthy. So, embrace the sunshine, have fun, and enjoy a worry-free summer!


Below are a few summer safety tips for a worry-free summer:

  • Stay in a cooled environment

  • Drink lots of fluids

  • Take regular pauses from the heat

  • Wear loose, lightweight clothing and apply sunscreen

Summer safety is important as the bright days of summer can be accompanied by major health risks. Food poisoning, allergy attacks, sunburns, etc., are a few common health issues triggered in the summertime. 

Ensure kids wear loose clothing and apply sunscreen when outdoors. If possible, keep outdoor activities for early mornings or evenings when the heat is comparatively less than daytime.

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