Have you been suffering from back pain occasionally? Well, you’re not alone!! Back pain is a rising concern around the world. It does not always result from underlying health issues or spinal deformities. These days, it is on the rise due to poor lifestyle choices. Proper exercise is still considered the most effective way to treat back pain. In this blog, let us learn about the common causes of back pain and exercises to manage it.
Why Do We Get Back Pain?
The complex structure of our back includes bones (called vertebrae), ligaments, discs, muscles, spinal cord and nerves, and tendons. The discs are the cartilage-like pads that cushion the segments of our spine. All these components work together, enabling our movement and supporting our body. When any of these components face issues, our back starts aching.
The causes of back pain can vary, including:
Muscle or ligament strains (caused by lifting heavy objects or improper lifting).
Structural issues like
Ruptured discs (herniated discs).
Scoliosis or Kyphosis.
Infections of the spine.
Spinal cancer.
Cauda equina syndrome.
Kidney stones.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Lifestyle factors that can cause back pain are:
Poor posture (sitting in a hunched position for prolonged working hours)
Lack of exercise or a sedentary lifestyle
Being overweight or obese
We suggest you consult our spine care doctor in Salem, Tamil Nadu to get to the root of your back pain issues.
How to Treat Back Pain?
Treatment for mild or moderate back pain usually includes certain lifestyle modifications like taking proper rest, hot or cold compress and doing some simple exercises on a regular basis. However, if these remedies do not work for you, it is always best to seek advice from specialists, especially if you feel weak or there’s numbness or tingling around your back and leg. The spine specialist will provide you with the most effective back pain treatment followed by a thorough examination.
Here Are 7 Simple Exercises for Back Pain Relief
1. Partial Crunches
Lie on your back with your knees bent, and keep your feet flat on the floor. Either keep your arms crossed over your chest or put them behind your neck. Try to tighten the muscles in your stomach and raise your shoulder area a little off the floor while breathing out - do it 8 - 12 times. Do not use your elbows or arms to pull your shoulders off, and keep your tailbone, lower back, and feet in contact with the floor.
2. Forearm Plank
Keep your face down towards the floor and stretch your body. Position your elbows beneath your shoulders and push up. Your toes should be at a 90-degree angle with the floor pushing down. Your shoulders, hips, and heels should be aligned straight. Try to hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds.
3. Lower Back Rotation
Lie on the floor like the partial crunches position and firmly keep your shoulders on the floor. Now, move your bent knees 45 degrees to the right, hold them for 5-10 seconds, and return to the initial position. Repeat the same towards the left side. Do every stretch 2 to 3 times and twice daily to get the best results.
4. Child’s Pose
This traditional yoga pose helps you to stretch your glutes and spinal extensors. Sit with your knees bent and keep your hands on the floor. Relax your hips and position them on your heels. Bend down and keep your belly between your thighs. Now, stretch your hands out in the front and start hinging at your hips while breathing deeply and holding the pose for up to 1 minute.
5. Lower Back Flexibility
Lie on your back with bent knees and tighten your belly muscles. Now, pull up your lower back off the ground, hold it for 5 seconds, and relax. Return to the beginning position and pull down your belly muscles toward the floor, hold for 5 seconds, and relax. You can repeat this exercise 5 to 30 times, depending on your capacity.
6. Cat Stretch
Kneel down with your hands on the floor. Arch your back slowly and pull your belly muscles toward the ceiling while bringing your head down. Next, pull your belly and back towards the floor while bringing your head up. Return to the starting position. You can repeat this 3-5 times a day or twice.
7. Shoulder Blade Squeeze
Sit on a stool or a chair that doesn’t have arms, and keep your back straight. Now, pull your shoulder blades together, keep them in the position for 5 seconds, and relax. You can do it any time of the day while working or travelling. It will help relax your muscle tension.
Regular exercise is considered the most advantageous for back pain relief as it does not usually affect your body adversely. But don't position yourself in any awkward posture, or else it might injure you. In case you experience any discomfort, please stop the exercise(s) and visit a spine care doctor in Tamil Nadu and receive personalised back pain treatment.
If you experience weird tingling or numbing sensations around your back or your back pain is consistent for months, it may be due to an underlying medical condition related to your spine. In such cases, visiting a spine specialist is important.
Some exercise may injure you and worsen your back pain. These usually include high-intensity gym workouts, leg lifts, deadlifts, overhead weightlifts, sit-ups, toe touches, etc.
Spine care doctors suggest exercise for back pain, as not moving your body weakens your muscles and some exercises can help relax those muscles while strengthening your core.