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Dr. Ansu Sen - Best Neurology Doctor in Kolkata - Manipal Hospitals
Reviewed by

Dr. Ansu Sen

Consultant - Neurology

Manipal Hospitals, Salt Lake

Dizziness - Causes, Symptoms And Treatments: Regain Your Balance

Reviewed by:

Dr. Ansu Sen

Posted On: Dec 18, 2023
blogs read 4 Min Read
Reasons for Dizziness


Imagine, you are trying to start your day, but with each step you take, the world seems to spin around you. Your balance wavers, your vision blurs and you feel as if you might topple over at any moment. Dizziness is a very common yet often underestimated medical condition that can significantly impact an individual’s daily life. Dizziness can strike at any time, disrupting your routine and sometimes even posing risks to your safety. Dizziness can be a harrowing experience and can have an immense impact. Let’s navigate this disorienting world together and discover how to regain equilibrium.


What is Dizziness?


Dizziness is a term that encompasses various sensations, including light-headedness, vertigo and disequilibrium. It is a feeling of unsteadiness that makes you feel as though you are spinning or the world around you is moving. This disconcerting sensation can result from a range of underlying causes, making it essential to understand the dizziness symptoms and seek appropriate medical attention


How Does It Impact Daily Life?


The impact of dizziness on one's daily life can be profound. The condition can affect simple activities like walking, driving, or even standing up from a seated position becomes challenging. This medical condition can lead to accidents or any other misfortune, causing injuries. It can also be a reason for serious anxiety, and mental disorders and affect the social and professional life.


Causes of Dizziness


Dizziness can result from a multitude of factors. Below, we will discuss some common and other possible causes:


  • Inner Ear Disorders: Disorders of the inner ear, such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and Meniere's disease, are common culprits behind dizziness. These conditions disrupt the balance mechanisms in the inner ear, leading to vertigo and instability.
  • Dehydration: Dehydration can cause light-headedness and dizziness, as it affects blood pressure and circulation. Ensuring you stay well-hydrated is essential in preventing this type of dizziness.
  • Migraine: Migraine is a neurological condition characterised by severe headaches, often accompanied by symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Some individuals with migraines also experience dizziness as a symptom.
  • Medications: Certain medications, especially those that affect blood pressure, can lead to dizziness as a side effect. It's important to consult with your healthcare provider if you suspect your medication may be causing dizziness.
  • Anxiety and Stress: High levels of anxiety and stress can trigger dizziness, often described as feeling lightheaded or faint. Managing stress through relaxation techniques can help alleviate these symptoms.
  • Cardiovascular Issues: Conditions like low blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, and heart diseases can cause dizziness. Monitoring and managing your cardiovascular health is crucial in these cases.
  • Neurological Disorders: Conditions such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease can affect the nervous system and lead to dizziness and balance problems.


Potential Symptoms of Dizziness


Dizziness can manifest in various ways, depending on its underlying cause. Common symptoms include:


  • Vertigo: Have you ever felt like the world is spinning around you, even though you know it's not? That's what vertigo feels like. It's like being on a merry-go-round without wanting to be.
  • Light-headedness: Sometimes, you might feel like you're about to faint or pass out. It's as if you suddenly became weightless and your surroundings blurred a bit.
  • Unsteadiness: Imagine walking on a tightrope or a wobbly bridge. That sensation of being off balance and struggling to stay upright is what unsteadiness feels like.
  • Presyncope: This is like feeling extremely faint, but you manage to stay conscious. It's that sensation of almost blacking out, where everything gets hazy and you might break out in a cold sweat.
  • Disequilibrium: When you feel generally off-kilter, like your body is having trouble coordinating its movements. It can make you feel unsure on your feet.
  •  Nausea: Dizziness can sometimes make your stomach churn, leading to a feeling of queasiness or the need to vomit.
  • Tinnitus: Alongside dizziness, you might also experience ringing, buzzing, or other odd sounds in your ears, like a miniature orchestra playing in the background.
  • Headache: Some folks get headaches when they're dizzy, especially if it's related to migraines.



When to Seek Medical Help


Dizziness can sometimes resolve on its own, especially if it is due to a mild and temporary cause. However, it is recommended to take medical intervention if it persists longer, here are some of the instances:

  • If you experience sudden, severe dizziness, especially if it is accompanied by chest pain or shortness of breath.
  • If dizziness is recurrent or persistent, lasting for several days or weeks.
  • If dizziness is accompanied by symptoms like a severe headache, visual disturbances, weakness, numbness, or difficulty speaking.
  • Prior heart disease or other serious medical conditions.


Treatments and Diagnoses


The dizziness treatment and diagnosis of dizziness depend on its underlying cause. Following are some medical solutions:


  • Medical Evaluation: When you seek help for dizziness, your healthcare provider will perform a thorough evaluation, including a medical history, physical examination, and sometimes specialised tests.
  • Medications: Depending on the cause, your doctor may prescribe medications to alleviate symptoms or address the underlying condition. 
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation: For individuals with balance issues related to inner ear problems, vestibular rehabilitation exercises can be beneficial.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Lifestyle changes can play a significant role in managing dizziness. Staying hydrated, avoiding triggers like caffeine or alcohol, and managing stress are all important steps.
  • Surgery: In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary, particularly for conditions like Meniere's disease or BPPV that do not respond well to conservative treatments.
  • Migraine Management: For individuals with dizziness linked to migraines, managing migraine triggers and medications prescribed by a neurologist can help reduce symptoms.


Dizziness is a complex and distressing condition. It has a profound impact on an individual’s daily life. Recognizing the symptoms, understanding the causes, and knowing when to seek help are crucial steps in managing dizziness effectively. With the right diagnosis and treatment, you can regain your equilibrium and enjoy a life free from the disorienting whirlwind of dizziness. 
If you or a loved one is experiencing persistent dizziness, it is essential to seek timely medical intervention. Manipal Hospitals, Saltlake, offers comprehensive care and expertise in diagnosing and treating various symptoms of dizziness.




While dizziness is not always preventable, certain measures can reduce the reasons for dizziness. These include managing stress, staying hydrated, avoiding rapid position changes, and being cautious with medications known to cause dizziness.

Yes, certain lifestyle modifications can assist in dizziness treatment. These include staying hydrated, avoiding sudden movements, gradually changing positions, regular exercise to improve balance, and minimizing alcohol and caffeine intake.

Certain exercises like the Epley manoeuvre, relaxation techniques, deep breathing exercises, and focusing on a fixed point during dizzy spells can help alleviate symptoms. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider before attempting any home remedies.

Treatments for dizziness depend on the underlying causes. They might include medications for vertigo or nausea, physical therapy to enhance balance, vestibular rehabilitation exercises, dietary changes, and in some cases, surgery for severe inner ear issues. Visit the Manipal Hospitals, Kolkata, for more information on this concern.

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