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Dr. Sujoy Maitra

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Dr. Sujoy Maitra | Best Gastro Doctor in Salt Lake, Kolkata | Manipal Hospitals
Reviewed by

Dr. Sujoy Maitra

Consultant - Gastroenterologist

Manipal Hospitals, Salt Lake

Home Remedies For Gas, Bloating, And Acidity

Reviewed by:

Dr. Sujoy Maitra

Posted On: Apr 03, 2023
blogs read 5 Min Read
Gastroenterology Hospital in Kolkata

Being a foodie, as well as having gastric problems, is a common trait among Indians. Gastric problems are characterised by symptoms such as the feeling of “excessive gas”, abdominal bloating, hiccups, heartburn, stomach pain, and nausea. These are some of the frequently experienced sequelae of living an unhealthy lifestyle, such as binge eating, smoking, drinking alcohol, having sleep problems, stress, etc.

What is Acidity?

“Acidity” is a common description of the feeling of heartburn or an acid/ bitter taste in the mouth. It usually happens when the hydrochloric acid normally present in our stomach and the bile which may enter into the stomach while eating flows upwards into the food pipe and back of the throat. In medical parlance, this is called “Gastroesophageal Reflux disease”.

What is Gas and Bloating?

An average person usually passes gas 13 to 21 times per day without making any noise or smell. When any of these is produced it becomes embarrassing. Also sometimes normal quantity of gas is not tolerated by our intestine and it tries to push it out forcibly by churning movements leading to abdominal pain. Sometimes, this discomfort mimics the signs of heart disease, gallstones, or appendicitis. At times intestine may simply distort like a balloon and one may feel as though their stomach is full or tight owing to gas. This is called bloating. Several factors, like consuming too much spicy food, carbonated beverages, overeating, and constipation can lead to these symptoms.

Can Acidity and Bloating be Managed without Taking Medications?

In the majority of cases, these symptoms can be managed without taking medicines. But before that one must be sure that there is no actual disease like ulcer, cancer or any curable infection like H. Pylori.  Therefore, before trying home remedies one must consult the best gastro doctor in Saltlake Kolkata and get some investigations done as the specialist doctor may feel appropriate.

What can be Done for Acidity Symptoms?

As discussed above acidity or “Gastroesophageal reflux” is caused by to upward movement of acid and bile into the food pipe. Therefore the key steps that may be undertaken are as follows:

  • Small meals at regular intervals. The food itself neutralizes the acid. Small amounts of food at a time mitigate hunger and prevent overeating. Thereby it prevents the build-up of too much pressure inside the stomach and upward flow of acid and bile.

  • Delay drinking water after meals. The stomach is a grinder. The presence of too much water inside the stomach after meals impairs the grinding of food and delays gastric emptying. This leads to an upward flow of food mixed with bile and acid.

  • Avoid going to bed immediately after lunch or dinner. On lying down food pipe is situated at a lower level than the stomach. So food, acid and bile can easily flow upwards.

What can be Done for Gas/ Bloating Symptoms? 

As discussed above gas/ bloating is caused due to either the production of excess gas inside the intestine or the intestine reacting abnormally to even a normal amount of gas. Excess gas is usually produced when a particular food substrate is not properly digested and later fermented by the bacteria normally present inside the intestine. To prevent this following steps should be followed:

  • Regular Exercise / Yoga/ MeditationThese improve the normal movement of the intestine, prevent constipation and reduce stress and anxiety which thereby alleviates the intestine’s ability to tolerate gas.

  • Chew Food ThoroughlyFood is broken down into small particles which helps its digestion.

  • Avoid food items that are unlikely to be digested properlyThis may vary from person to person. Some common items that may not be digested properly are leafy vegetables (like spinach, and cabbage), cucumber, coconut, and grams.

  • To identify lactose intolerance and avoid products which contain unaltered milk. They may however take curd, yoghurt or cottage cheese.

  • Avoid beverages containing caffeine like coffee and soft drinks as these stimulate the abnormal reaction of the intestine.

But in all cases, if the problem keeps on recurring, visit the best gastroenterology hospital in Kolkata where expert advice must be sought.


The symptom of acidity is heartburn.  Symptoms of excess gas or intolerance to gas are abdominal bloating or pain, too much passage of wind, loose motions 

Common causes of “gas and blotting” are food items that may not be digested properly like too much spicy/ oily food, leafy vegetables (like spinach, cabbage), cucumber, coconut, grams, beverages containing caffeine and carbon dioxide, and lactose. However, gas and bloating may also be caused by abnormal reactions of intestines which is called “Irritable bowel syndrome”.

The gut and brain are intertwined. As a result, stress increases the possibility of gastrointestinal disorders developing in your gut. When under stress, one tends to swallow more air while eating and drinking. This results in bloating, burping, and gurgling noise in the abdomen or excessive passage of wind.

Besides under stress, our brain tries to look for purging it out by some behavioural activity like burping or vomiting. Therefore, many people fall into a vicious cycle of stress leading to constant burping or retching which leads to more stress.

Stress also makes our intestines too much irritable. This also leads to bloating or loose motions.

Despite all efforts acidity or heartburn and gas or bloating may happen and in a fast urban life people end up taking over-the-counter medications for instant relief. In such a situation most important thing is not to panic as in majority of the time symptoms subside with time and patience. Nevertheless one may take conventional simple liquid antacids like Aluminium Magnesium hydroxides with or without Simethicone with a little bit of tepid water. Chewing ajwain may also help at times. 

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