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Best Spine Doctor in Salt Lake, Kolkata | Dr. Saikat Sarkar
Reviewed by

Dr. Saikat Sarkar

Consultant - Spine Surgery

Manipal Hospitals, Salt Lake

Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Spine In Everyday Life

Reviewed by:

Dr. Saikat Sarkar

Posted On: Jul 25, 2023

blogs read 4 Min Read

How to Keep Spine Healthy

Most of our organs, including our spine, appear to have been affected by our changing lifestyle. Around 70-80% of the population has experienced some type of spinal ailment at least once in their lives, with only a minority experiencing chronic pain. In this blog post, we will look into tips on how to keep the spine healthy. Scroll through to know all about it in detail.

The human spine is a magnificent, perfectly balanced mechanism that serves as the foundation for the entire body. The spine, which is gently curved in an S form, balances the neck, chest, lower back, and pelvis to maintain the head, trunk, and legs in alignment.

It serves as a protective sheath for the spinal cord, the major pathway of the nervous system, as well as several internal organs. It gives the framework that individuals need to keep their posture upright. It also bends to allow for movement; in fact, an individual’s every movement make engages the spine.

Why Spine Health is Considered Important?

Spinal health is crucial since the spine controls many of the body's vital processes. The spine gives the bodies their structural support and helps in keeping the individual in an upright position. It helps to move and carry out daily chores by protecting the spinal cord and nerve roots. Daily activities like walking, getting up, and bending over might become difficult without a strong spine. Additionally, it is essential for the transmission of sensory information to the skin, muscles, joints, and internal organs, including pressure, touch, cold, warmth, pain, and feelings. According to the best spine surgeon in Kolkata, poor spinal health can obstruct sensory responses and mute somebody parts' experiences. Later on, it may interfere with the nerve's ability to control movement, weakening it.

Who all are at Risk of Adhering to Poor Spinal Health?

Obese people, those with a history of back injuries, those who frequently move heavy objects, those who spend a lot of time sitting down, and those who get little sun exposure and regular prolonged driving are more likely to experience spine difficulties.

Common Symptoms of Poor Spinal Health

The most common symptoms include back and neck pain. Sometimes a patient may experience radiating leg pain and difficulty in walking.

Tips to Maintain a Healthy Spine


Maintaining good spinal health can be achieved with a simple modification in eating and lifestyle habits. Some spine health tips for ensuring a healthy spine include:

  • Taking Extra Precautions when Weightlifting

Heavy objects should be lifted with extra caution. One should aim to stand near the thing when lifting it, bending only the knees when they do so. Keep your head and back straight at all times. If it's too heavy, one should not be afraid to ask for assistance.

  • Modifications at the Workplace

Following proper ergonomics at work can help to ensure a healthy spine. Maintaining eye level with the laptop or desktop is recommended. Using furniture, particularly chairs that provide adequate lower-back support during working hours should be preferred. One should not sit in the same position for long periods. It is recommended to take regular breaks and rotate the seating position as much as possible.

  • Exercising Regularly

Yoga and exercises help to relax muscles. It improves blood circulation in the muscles and increases joint flexibility, so it should be incorporated into the daily routine. Normal exercises such as walking or swimming can help to keep weight under control and muscles active.

  • Adhering to a Good Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients promotes general health and the health of the spine. Vitamin D3, calcium, and magnesium are all important nutrients for bones and muscles. Natural sources of vitamin D3 include fish, soft bones, cod liver oil, egg yolks, and curd. When exposed to sunlight, our bodies can also produce Vitamin D3. Green leafy vegetables, fish, milk products, and legumes are high in calcium and magnesium, thus having them in the diet can help to maintain a healthy spine. Water consumption helps to maintain soft tissue electricity and disc height. Read the blog on a List of healthy food to eat  every day to get a good knowledge of how to incorporate a healthy diet into your daily routine. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Spine Health

How can I fix strengthen my spine?

Some basic exercises can be done at home to protect the spine.

Stretch the knees towards the chest. Knee-to-chest stretches lengthen the spine and relieve lower back discomfort. 

  • Rotational stretch

  • Pelvic tilt

  • Partial abdominal curl

  • Cat-cow stretch

  • Shoulder blade squeeze

  • Chin-to-chest stretch.

What activities are good for your spine?

Some of the physical activities are good for spine health such as:

  • Walking: It is a great strategy to improve spine health.

  • Biking: Other aerobic activities, such as biking, can also help.

  • Swimming: It is another cardiovascular workout that might help to improve spinal health.

  • Stretching.

What food is good for the spine?

The upper and lower back can be straightened simultaneously. It is natural to have minor bends at the shoulder blades and in the small portion of the back. The shoulders, knees, and hips must all be in proper alignment. One should make sure that the knees are in line with the middle of your ankle by looking down at them. To get detailed knowledge, please visit the best spine care hospital in Kolkata and consult with specialists.

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