Lipoma Excision
Lipoma Excision Surgery in Kolkata
A lipoma is a fatty, non-cancerous lump that generally doesn’t cause any problems or show any symptoms. It is usually located just below the skin and moves easily when pressure is applied. It occurs in the shoulders, abdomen, neck, thighs, back and arms. If the lipoma is bothersome, growing or painful, a doctor may recommend surgical excision.
Pre Procedure
No specific instructions are required to be followed before the procedure.
During Procedure
- This invasive procedure generally takes around 10-15 minutes, depending on the type and size of the lipoma. It is performed by a treating doctor, who is assisted by a nurse at all times.
- The patient will be asked to sign a consent form.
- The patient will be moved to a room where their privacy will be respected at all times.
- The site of the lipoma is first exposed and then, the rest of the body is covered with a blanket or a bedsheet.
- Betadine solution is used for cleaning the site.
- Local anaesthesia will be given to the patient via injection by the doctor.
- An incision is made at the site by the doctor, who then removes the cyst or lipoma from the underlying tissue.
- The cyst/lipoma sample is then sent to the laboratory for a biopsy.
- The site of the incision is disinfected and sutured, which is followed by the covering of the area with a waterproof dressing.
- The patient must come back to the OPD after a week for suture and dressing removal.
Post Procedure
- The patient may be advised of antibiotics and painkillers after the procedure.
- As the site must be kept dry, the patient must avoid taking a shower for a few days. They can sponge bathe instead.
- The patient is strictly advised to wear loose clothing so that the site doesn’t get disturbed.
- In case of bleeding from the site or soakage, the patient must contact the doctor immediately.
- There are no food/dietary restrictions and the patient may perform routine activities again.
- Reports are shared after three days after the completion of the procedure.
Lipoma Excision surgery is available at Manipal Hospitals Kolkata where doctors have specialised knowledge and experience related to diagnosis, pre-operative, operative, and post-operative management.