The lifestyle changes and digital work culture we are in have significantly changed the human body physically. Reduced physical activity has taken a toll on our physical and mental health with back pain being one such trouble of modern-day lifestyle. Back pain is one of the most common emergency cases for which patients seek help. The treatment modalities vary as per the aetiology and the variant. The earlier an intervention is initiated for back pain, the faster will be the recovery.
What is Chronic Back Pain?
Back pain lasting for more than 6 weeks is termed chronic back pain. It is seen to increase among people aged above 30 years. As far as gender predominance is concerned, it is more often seen in females than in males.
What Are the Causes Responsible for Chronic Back Pain?
Chronic back pain could be attributed to:
Variations in the normal alignment of the spine lead to abnormal pressure on the joints of the spine, disc and nerves.
Deconditioning of muscles due to long-hour sitting jobs.
Ageing can result in degenerative disc diseases along with arthritis or spinal stenosis.
Herniation of disc
Spondylolisthesis – the abnormal movement of one vertebra over another, Spodylolysis- break in a vertebra.
Weakness of bones due to cancer.
Psychological causes.
Pain arising due to anatomical variations in the spine is amenable to treatment with interventions in the form of injections or minimally invasive procedures. The recovery of such back pains is subsequently rapid after treatment.
Back pains with no anatomical pathologies are often due to muscle weakness, wrong posture, weak bones, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress-related. Unfortunately, with technological advancement, our mobility has been greatly reduced. Prolonged sitting weakens our back muscles, resulting in additional pressure on the joints and discs. Abnormal pressure leads to premature wear and tear of joints and discs causing pain. The approach to such pain is to increase the activity with back strengthening exercises, stretches, proper ergonomics while sitting, and standing, and occasional medications.
Pain early in the morning with generalised tiredness could be due to poor-quality mattresses, disturbed sleep, or medical conditions like spondyloarthropathy, mentioned by the specialist of the best spine care hospitals in Sarjapur Road Bangalore.
How Stress and Chronic Back Pain are Related?
Back pain that persists throughout the day with little or no effect on activity can be stress induced. This type of chronic back pain requires relaxing, de-stressing, exercises and medications sometimes.
Identifying the triggers
Identifying the triggers of back pain could aid in the early detection and treatment of back pain. Pain after sitting for a few hours or at the completion of work or late in the day are mostly due to fatigue in the muscles of the back, exercises, and proper posture help in relieving this pain. Pain while getting up from a chair, or floor, and not being able to stand straight after a few mins of bending often involves changes in the bone. This is easily identified with an x-ray and further investigations.
How to Manage Chronic Back Pain?
Non-pharmacological interventions
Spinal manipulation
Pharmacological Interventions
Medication may sometimes help in temporary relief until the primary cause is treated.
NSAIDs- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Muscle relaxants
Physical Therapy
- Back strengthening exercise
- Stretches
- Proper ergonomics while standing or sitting.
Surgical interventions
Spinal injections at the disc, root, facet or epidural space give adequate relief, followed by exercises that will help most individuals with early changes in the spine. Spinal fusion is advised when there is excess wear and tear of the disc, joints, change in the alignment of the bone causing pain, and osteoporotic fractures.
Overall, chronic back pain is something that shouldn't be ignored. With early intervention from experts, the individual’s quality of life can be improved dramatically. The treatment option shall vary as per the cause and age of the patient and individual's medical history checked by the best spine care specialist in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore.
What's the difference between acute and chronic back pain?
The difference between the two lies in the duration. While acute back pain is usually sharp and can last for a few days. Any back pain lasting for more than 3 months is called Chronic back pain, usually, a dull aching pain present throughout the day affecting the productivity of the individual.
When should one consult a doctor for back pain?
A simple rule is whenever back pain affects your quality of life, you have to consult a doctor. However, in the presence of red flag signs like numbness or weakness of legs, unaccounted weight loss, pain more at night, the difference in bladder control since the onset of pain, fever, early morning stiffness, difficulty in walking or standing for more than a few minutes, the earliest consultation should be taken up with the specialist.
Is surgery the only option for treating chronic pain?
No, the treatment for chronic back pain depends entirely on the cause of back pain. It so happens that most require a combination of exercises, posture correction, de-stressing and some physical therapy. A few may require a surgical approach for complete recovery.