Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective treatment modality to relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, including tremors, stiffness, and trouble walking. It can also treat the side effects of Parkinson's medicines. It isn't a cure for Parkinson's and won't stop it from getting worse. But, if you've had the disease for at least 5 years and aren't getting enough relief from medication, you may consider DBS as an option.
Deep brain stimulation involves the placement of electrodes in specific parts of the brain. The electrodes are wired to a pacemaker device (an implanted pulse generator) that is put beneath the skin of the chest below the collarbone. When activated, the pulse generator transmits continuous electrical pulses to the brain's target locations, changing the brain circuits in that area.
The deep brain stimulation system operates much the same way as a pacemaker for the heart and thus, is referred to as “the pacemaker for the brain.”
Visit the best neurosurgery hospital in Sarjapur Road if you require Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery.
Who Should Consider Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery?
As Parkinson’s Disease worsens with time, the patient may notice that the benefit from the medicine doesn’t last until the next dose, this is called “wearing off”. When the medication wears off, symptoms including tremors, sluggishness, and difficulty walking may return. When the medication is taken again the symptoms improve and the good period is called an “ON” period while the bad period is called “OFF”. Patients may also develop involuntary movements (twisting and turning) called dyskinesias usually as a side effect of increased doses of these medications, which may be troublesome.
DBS may be an option when a PD patient continues to benefit from treatment but still experiences terrible OFF periods and/or troublesome dyskinesias, despite modifications in drug doses, DBS may be an option. Patients with severe memory issues, hallucinations, severe depression, and noticeable instability/imbalance when walking even when ON may not be good candidates.
What symptoms are unlikely to benefit from DBS?
DBS is unlikely to relieve any movement symptoms that are not improved by levodopa. It can make pre-existing speech and balance issues worse. Neurosurgeons and Neurologists at Manipal Hospitals, Sarjapur Road, will check carefully for these problems before considering surgery. Some Parkinson's patients also experience memory issues as well as other cognitive issues related to the disease. These types of issues might also get worse after deep brain stimulation, so it is important to exclude these problems before considering surgery.
Is Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Safe?
In general, DBS is a safe procedure. There are certain risks associated with any surgery. Some of the risks of DBS include infection surrounding the device hardware and bleeding in the brain or implant site. Your neurosurgeon at Manipal Hospitals, Sarjapur Road, will discuss additional risks with you. Studies have shown that the risks are relatively small and side effects are mild and temporary.
What Benefits Can One Expect After Treatment?
DBS may help control your motor-neuron symptoms for a longer period than medication alone. The motor symptoms that responded well to the medication before surgery are the most likely to improve with deep brain stimulation.
Deep brain stimulation can be an effective treatment for severe Parkinson’s tremors, even if the tremor does not respond well to medication.
It may significantly improve motor fluctuations – where your mobility varies throughout the day.
Parkinson’s medication can be significantly reduced. This will reduce the risk of medication side effects, such as involuntary movements called dyskinesia.
It may give you some relief from non-motor symptoms, such as sleep disturbance and pain.
It may improve your ability to perform day-to-day activities, such as feeding and dressing, getting up out of a chair, and walking. This will improve your independence and quality of life.
What are the Advantages of DBS Over Other Surgical Treatments Available for Parkinson’s Disease (DBS)?
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has many advantages:
DBS does not result in permanent damage to any section of the brain and is reversible, unlike thalamotomy and pallidotomy, which involves destroying tiny portions of the brain tissue, and as a result, are irreversible and permanent. A person who undergoes these operations may have a lower chance of benefiting from subsequent therapy.
The electrical stimulation is adjustable and reversible as the person's disease changes or his or her response to medications change.
The electrical stimulation can be adjusted and reversed according to the patient's need, in case the disease progresses or his or her response to drugs changes.
The stimulator can also be turned off at any time if DBS is causing excessive side effects without any long-term consequences.
As technology progresses there is always a chance to update the pacemaker to get maximum benefit.
Consult the best neurosurgeon in Sarjapur Road if you have planned for Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery.