
Treating Aortic Stenosis Non-Invasively in a 25-Year-Old | Manipal Hospitals Goa | Testimonial

Dr. Joseph Xavier, Senior Consultant - HOD & Chief Of Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, and Dr. Suraj Narasimhan A., Consultant - Interventional Cardiology and Structural Intervention Specialist, Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road, share insights on the case of 25-year-old Sonia, a resident of Goa, who suffered from a birth defect in her heart. Within 48 hours of her percutaneous surgical treatment for the same, she was discharged with no events. Know more about this case in this testimonial. #ManipalHospitalSarjapurRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #Heart #AorticStenosis