Our Success Stories

A New Lease of Life, Dialysis-free | Patient Testimonial - Mr. Kamaludeen | Manipal Hospitals Sarjapur Road
Mr. Kamaludeen, a 41-year-old patient, has been suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) since 2015 and has been undergoing regular dialysis since 2018 - which didn’t provide him long-term relief. Dr. Pallavi Patri, Consultant - Chief of Nephrology, and Dr. Manohar Bhadrappa, Consultant - Urology and Renal Transplant Surgery, Manipal Hospitals Sarjapur Road, assessed the patient’s condition and recommended a kidney transplant surgery. Watch the video to learn about Mr. Kamaludeen’s story and how he made a healthy recovery post-surgery, dialysis-free. Consult our experts here: Dr. Pallavi Patri - https://bit.ly/47FnrVA Dr. Manohar Bhadrappa - https://bit.ly/499KWYh #ManipalHospitalSarjapurRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #ChronicKidneyDisease #CKD #Dialysis

Prostatectomy to Treat Prostate Cancer | Dr. Manohar Bhadrappa | Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road
Mr. Eshalraj speaks about how a simple blood test during a routine health checkup helped doctors diagnose him with prostate cancer after noticing increased prostate specific antigen (PSA). Dr. Manohar Bhadrappa, Consultant - Urology and Renal Transplant Surgery, Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road, speaks about prostate cancer, its symptoms, and treatments available for the same - including a minimal access radical prostatectomy which can help in quick recovery. Watch the video to know more. Consult our expert here - https://bit.ly/499KWYh #ManipalHospitalSarjapurRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #ProstateCancer #Prostate