Neurosurgery treatment in Sarjapur Road

Skull Base & Spine Surgery

Neurosurgery treatment in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore

Skull base and spine surgery is a type of surgery that is performed to correct problems with the bones and tissues in the spine and skull. The surgeon will make an incision in the back or side of the head and neck in order to access the spine and skull. They will then remove any damaged or diseased tissue and repair or replace any damaged bones. In some cases, the surgeon may also need to fuse together some of the bones in the spine.

Why is the procedure performed?

The skull base and spine are two of the most important structures in the human body. They protect the brain and spinal cord, respectively, and are responsible for providing support and stability to the head and neck. Because of their importance, surgery on these structures is often necessary in order to treat conditions that affect them. Conditions that can require skull base or spine surgery include tumours, congenital abnormalities, degenerative diseases, and traumatic injuries. In some cases, surgery may be needed to remove a tumour that is pressing on the brain or spinal cord. Congenital abnormalities of the skull base or spine can also require surgery in order to correct them. Degenerative diseases such as arthritis can damage the spine and require surgical intervention. Finally, traumatic injuries to the head or neck can result in damage to the skull base or spine that may need to be repaired surgically. Visit our neurosurgery hospital in Bangalore for the best treatment.

Pre-procedure preparations

The pre-procedure preparation for skull base and spine surgery may vary depending on the specific procedure being performed, but some general steps are typically followed. 

  • First, the patient will be asked to fast for a while before the surgery, usually for at least 6 hours. 

  • Next, the patient will be given a sedative to help them relax before the procedure. 

  • The specific procedure will be performed using special instruments and techniques.

  • Finally, the incision will be closed, and the patient will be taken to the recovery room to be monitored.


  • The procedure for preparing the skull base and spine for surgery begins with the patient being placed under general anaesthesia. 

  • A small incision is made in the skin over the area to be operated on, and the underlying bone is exposed. Using a variety of surgical instruments, the surgeon removes a portion of the bone to access the spine. 

  • Once the spine is exposed, the surgeon will remove any herniated discs or other structures causing pain or dysfunction. 

  • After the surgery is complete, the incision is closed, and the patient is taken to the recovery room. Book an appointment to have the best treatment.

After procedure

The aftercare plans for skull bases and spine surgery will vary depending on the specific procedure that was performed, the patient's individual health condition, and the surgeon's preference. However, some general aftercare instructions for skull base and spine surgery may include:

  • Keeping the incision clean and dry 

  • Taking pain medication as prescribed 

  • Resting and avoiding strenuous activity 

  • Wearing a neck brace or back brace as recommended 

  • Attending follow-up appointments with the surgeon 

  • Getting plenty of rest and sleep 

  • Eating a healthy diet

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