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Pleurodesis is a medical procedure that involves the inflamed pleura being coated with a sclerosing agent. This agent will irritate the pleura, causing it to stick to the chest wall. It will then cause the fluid to be reabsorbed and the air spaces to collapse. It will prevent the lung from re-expanding and stop any further fluid build-up.
Pleurodesis is most commonly used to treat a condition known as pleural effusion. It is where there is an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space. It can happen for several reasons, such as infection, heart failure, or cancer. Pleural effusion can cause the lung to collapse, which can be very painful and make breathing difficult.
Before pleurodesis, your doctor will order a series of tests to evaluate your lung function and rule out any other causes of your pleural effusion. You will also have a chest x-ray to assess the size of your effusion.
Once these tests have been completed, you will be asked to sign a consent form indicating that you understand the risks and benefits of the procedure. You will then be given a local anaesthetic to numb the area around your chest.
Pleurodesis is most commonly performed using talc powder. Talc is a substance known to irritate the pleura, causing it to stick to the chest wall. The talc is usually mixed with a local anaesthetic and is instilled into the pleural space through a chest tube. Once the talc is in place, the chest tube is removed, and the talc will work to collapse the lung and prevent any further accumulation of fluid. Visit our pulmonology hospital in Bangalore for the best treatment.
Pleurodesis can also be performed using other agents, such as tetracycline, bleomycin, or mitomycin. These agents are instilled into the pleural space, similarly to talc. However, they may be associated with a higher risk of complications, such as infection.
Pleurodesis is a relatively simple procedure that can be performed under local anaesthesia. It is usually performed as a day-case procedure, meaning you can go home the same day. The procedure usually takes around 30 minutes to complete.
After- procedure
After pleurodesis, you will be closely monitored for any complications. You will be encouraged to take deep breaths and cough to help remove any talc that may have been deposited in your lungs. You may also be given oxygen to help you breathe more easily.
Most people can go home on the same day as their procedure. However, you may need to stay in the hospital overnight if you have a large effusion or other underlying medical conditions.
Risks involved
The risks involved in pleurodesis are relatively low. However, as with any procedure, there is a small risk of complications, such as:
Allergic reaction to the agent used
Damage to the lung or chest wall
Pneumothorax (collapsed lung)
In most cases, any complications that do occur are mild and can be easily treated. However, in rare cases, more serious complications can occur. Book an appointment to have the best treatment.