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The most prevalent overlapping condition with myositis is systemic scleroderma. This condition is also known as "Scleromyositis." Scleromyositis is characterised by symptoms of both systemic scleroderma (SSc) and either polymyositis (PM) or dermatomyositis (DM), and is thus classified as an overlap condition.
Scleroderma, which means "hard skin," is thought to be caused by an excess of collagen. It is thought to be a chronic, autoimmune illness that mainly affects connective tissue, which is a tissue that supports organs and other sections of the body.
Basically, there are two categories of Scleroderma, and those are as follows,
Localised Scleroderma
It usually affects the skin and/or muscles, although not always. Morphea and Linear are the two most common kinds in this group. Morphea is defined by waxy, typically thick patches of skin that can be any colour, shape, or size. Linear is a waxy line or streak that appears on the arm, leg, or forehead and typically begins in childhood. The linear type can penetrate deeper layers of the skin, causing joint constriction, and 10-20% of persons with Linear Scleroderma will suffer joint discomfort.
Systemic Scleroderma
The phrase "systemic" refers to hardening that occurs both inside and externally. Almost everyone with Systemic Scleroderma, also known as Systemic Sclerosis, tests positive for the ANA (Anti-nuclear Antibodies).
Like many autoimmune illnesses, Scleroderma is a complex disorder that is frequently misdiagnosed since it can mirror other autoimmune diseases, and no precise diagnostic test is currently available. The severity of symptoms varies from person to person and can range from moderate to life-threatening depending on which area of the body is afflicted.
Scleroderma currently has no known cure. Most individual symptoms, however, may be treated or decreased with drugs. Heartburn, for example, can be managed using drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Immunosuppressive medicines, as in Myositis, are sometimes used to suppress the immune system. Some patients with moderate Scleroderma may not require any medication, and some may also discontinue dermatomyositis treatment in Sarjapur Road when their condition is no longer active.
It is possible to lessen the severity of the condition and aid in avoiding permanent damage with quick diagnosis and treatment (typically by a rheumatologist, dermatologist, or another specialist specialising in skin, systemic, and autoimmune disorders). Book an appointment now at Manipal Hospitals.
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