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The most prevalent kind of arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA), a degenerative joint disease. It is a painful disease caused by the gradual deterioration of cartilage within a joint. This wear is usually the consequence of a lifetime of usage, and people develop it when they are 50 or older. However, younger people may develop the syndrome due to a joint injury. This kind of osteoarthritis, also known as post-traumatic arthritis, arises after an accident such as a dislocated shoulder, fracture, or torn rotator cuff.
The usage of a joint causes the cartilage that covers the bones where they connect in the joint to deteriorate and eventually degenerate. As the bone begins to press directly on bone, the loss of protecting cartilage produces joint inflammation, known as osteoarthritis. Cartilage is a smooth, spongy tissue covering the bones' ends to form joints. It enables a person to twist, bend, and turn with a wide range of motion. The more we age, the more our cartilage deteriorates, especially in the joints, we use the most. It's comparable to how brake pads wear out over time in a car. When cartilage deteriorates, the bones are not properly cushioned, and the joint suffers. It causes discomfort, stiffness, and a limited range of motion.
To get appropriate diagnosis for osteoarthritis, three factors must be considered,
A thorough medical assessment and physical examination
Radiographic examinations (X-rays and/or other imaging)
Laboratory testing
Based on various criteria, a doctor will create a tailored treatment plan just for you.
which joints are impacted by your condition and how serious it is
the severity of your symptoms
any additional medical illnesses or drugs you are taking, your age, employment, and daily work activities.
Physical and occupational therapy can treat early-stage osteoarthritis without surgery whenever possible. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines) can often assist, and corticosteroid injections may help some patients avoid surgery. Certain patients have benefited from platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections.
Laboratory testing aid in the osteoarthritis treatment in Sarjapur Road since they rule out inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis. In other words, if you have joint discomfort and your lab values are normal, it would validate an OA diagnosis. These tests include the following,
Complete blood counts.
Urinalysis sedimentation rate.
Rheumatoid factor (to detect rheumatoid arthritis).
Antinuclear antibody (ANA) titer testing.
When these tests come back standard or negative, it typically means you have osteoarthritis. However, it should emphasise that as people age, they may have a low-level positive rheumatoid factor, ANA titer, and/or high sedimentation rate without any visible disease. It is why doctors do not depend solely on laboratory testing to validate an osteoarthritis diagnosis.
Extraction and examination of synovial fluid from the joint is another lab test that may assist confirm the diagnosis. Synovial fluid is a liquid generally present in joints, nourishes and lubricates them and usually is present in trace levels. However, synovial fluid changes when specific types of arthritis are present.
The white blood cell count ("pus cells") in osteoarthritis is typically average, and the fluid is transparent (like water). Higher white cell counts, rather than osteoarthritis, should indicate inflammatory arthritis or infection. Extraction of synovial fluid might aid in confirming the diagnosis. It can also help with pain and swelling if the fluid is causing inflammation.
The fluid may also be checked for uric acid crystals (as found in gout) or calcium pyrophosphate crystals. Other biological indicators are still being measured experimentally. Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals now.
Home Sarjapurroad Specialities Rheumatology Osteoarthritis