Child Specialist hospital in Bangalore

Child life care

Child life care

Child life care

Child life specialists focus on the optimal development and well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults suffering from cancer. They help in promoting coping skills and minimizing the adverse effects of hospitalization, health care, and other potentially stressful experiences. Consult the top oncology doctors in Bangalore who specialise in providing cancer care for children. 


Why choose Manipal Hospitals

At Manipal Hospital we have a specialised Child life care unit appointed with child life specialists who work towards comforting children with cancer. Since treatment is conducted under confined environments which can make children restive and tearful, child life specialists are qualified and trained to address anxiety and fears in children and comfort them through play therapy.

Experience world-class healthcare at Manipal Hospitals. Our expert team of doctors and state-of-the-art facilities ensure personalized and advanced treatments. Take the first step towards wellness. Book an appointment today.