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Dotanoc PET CT scan is a highly sensitive and specific study for the diagnosis and follow-up of neuroendocrine tumours.
Pre Procedure:
Fasting of minimum 2 hours is required.
Serum Creatinine blood test is a mandatory requirement prior to the scan if the doctor has advised for a contrast CT (Test should not be later than 2 months). If test results are normal, we will proceed with the scan.
You must inform the attending nurse/technologist/physician of any previous history of contrast allergy, asthma, arthritis, joint issues or fracture. In such cases, 15 minutes before the procedure, pre-medication is administered.
You must inform the doctor of any past history of surgery.
In case you have done this scan earlier, please carry your past reports / CDs.
If you know or think you could be pregnant, inform attending staff.
During Procedure:
You are settled comfortably in an area where your privacy is respected throughout the procedure. You will be given a hospital gown to change into.
You will have to take off all ornaments, metallic accessories and inner wear with metal wires etc.
In case of paediatrics or patients who do not cooperate, sedation is suggested.
A cannula is inserted and a small dose of radioactive injection is given via IV. You will then be isolated for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
You must drink water during this isolation period, mineral water will be provided to you. Before you are taken for the imaging, you will be asked to void urine.
Post 45 minutes of isolation, the whole body scan is done. The initial part of the scan is a diagnostic CT wherein IV contrast is given, during which time you will have to lie down with your hands up for approximately 10 minutes because the cannula is connected to an injector through which contrast is injected and then flushed with saline. This takes about less than a minute. Post which you will have to wait for about 40 seconds. During this process, you may feel slightly warm, which is absolutely normal.
Post this, PET imaging is done which usually takes about 10 minutes.
Both CT scan and PET imaging are done in the same couch.
Post Procedure:
In case you were sedated, you will be kept under observation in the recovery room for 10 mins.
You must drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water in the course of the day, which is essential to flush out the remaining radioactive medicine in the body.
You must stay away from pregnant women and children for 24 hours, to avoid radioactive exposure.
Lactating mothers should stop feeding for 24 hours post procedure.
There are no dietary restrictions post the procedure and you may resume all normal activities too.
Reports will be issued the next day.
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