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Book Appointments &Health Checkup Packages
Oral cancer can be treated with surgery if it is detected at an early stage even before cancer cells spread to other parts of the body. Patients with advanced-stage and recurrent cancers are commonly recommended surgery in combination with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or targeted therapy. Surgery also plays an important role in diagnosing and staging cancer. Today, less invasive operations are being performed to remove tumours and preserve as much normal oral cavity structure and function as possible.
Depending on the stage and location of the cancer, the surgeon removes the tumour and a margin of healthy tissue surrounding it. In advanced cases, parts of the oral cavity or face may be removed where reconstruction involving grafts or prosthetics can be done.
Consult our surgeons if you need Oral Cancer Surgery in Bangalore.
Home Specialities Oral-maxillo-facial-surgery Oral-cancer-surgery