Oesophagectomy hospital in Bangalore

Solutions in Oesophagectomy Gastrectomy and Colectomies

Solutions in Oesophagectomy Gastrectomy and Colectomies

Solutions in Oesophagectomy, Gastrectomy and Colectomies

Most of the time, oesophagectomy is done to treat cancer of the oesophagus. A gastrectomy is often used to treat stomach cancer. There are two types of surgeries - Open gastrectomy where a large cut is made in your stomach or chest, and keyhole surgery (laparoscopic gastrectomy) – where several smaller cuts are made and special surgical instruments are used.  A colectomy is a type of surgery used to treat colon diseases such as cancer, inflammatory disease, or diverticulitis. Consult the best organ transplant experts in Bangalore if you require such surgeries. 

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