Procedural Sedation in Bangalore

Procedural Sedation

Procedural Sedation in Bangalore

Critical care for children is challenging as they often get stressed and uncomfortable. Procedural sedation is a way wherein sedatives or pain pills are administered to keep them calm and pain-free while doctors do tests or complex medical procedures. 

Procedural sedation is a common practice in PICU that helps children receive necessary treatments with minimal distress and anxiety. At Manipal Hospital, our expert paediatric anaesthesiologists provide critically ill kids with procedural sedation before various diagnostic and surgical procedures.

Consult our paediatric specialists if you require procedural Sedation in Bangalore.  

Experience world-class healthcare at Manipal Hospitals. Our expert team of doctors and state-of-the-art facilities ensure personalized and advanced treatments. Take the first step towards wellness. Book an appointment today.