Stepping Into A New Era Of Personalised Treatment For Parkinson's

Department of Parkinson Disease and Movement Disorder
4 Min Read
Mar 30, 2023
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Parkinson's disease is a chronic ailment that affects the neurological system and the nerve-controlled areas of the body. The symptoms appear gradually. The initial sign might be a little tremor in only one hand. Although tremors are prevalent, the disease can also induce stiffness or slowness of movement. In the initial stages of the disease, the face may be expressionless. When patients walk, their arms may not swing. The speech may also become slurred or soft. Parkinson's disease symptoms grow as the disease advances. Although Parkinson's disease cannot be cured, drugs can help patients to feel better. Occasionally, a surgeon might recommend surgery to control particular areas of your brain and alleviate your problems.
A condition like Parkinson’s disease is something that requires flawless and detailed attention from medical facilities and this is where the Manipal Hospital becomes the most prominent help for Parkinson's. With a set-up of advanced, and cutting-edge technology along with highly experienced, renowned and trained professionals, the medical facility ensures that a Parkinson's patient gets the best possible care. Consult with our neuro experts at our best Parkinson's disease hospital in India
Due to its non-curable nature, Parkinson’s disease also needs medical help which can be available at all times and be of comfort to the patients in times of need. With its, round-the-clock ambulance service and expert supervision, the Manipal Hospitals checks all the boxes for treatment of the Parkinson’s disease.
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Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease symptoms typically appear gradually and are minor at first. Several symptoms are linked with Parkinson's disease, but the sequence in which they appear and their severity vary from person to person. A person with Parkinson's is unlikely to encounter all or most of these symptoms.
The Primary Symptoms
The following are the primary indications of Parkinson's disease that impact physical movement:
Tremor - a shaking sensation that generally starts in the hand and is more likely to develop when the limb is calm and resting.
Slowness of movement - Bradykinesia, or slowness of movement, is the main symptom of PD. Bodily motions that are substantially slower than average make daily chores challenging and result in a noticeable sluggish, shuffling walk with extremely short steps.
Muscular rigidity is defined as muscle stiffness and tension, which can hinder the ability to move about and form facial gestures and cause severe muscle cramps.
Doctors sometimes refer to these primary symptoms as parkinsonism, and these must be addressed once witnessed in a patient.
Other signs and symptoms
Numerous physical and psychological symptoms of Parkinson's disease might develop while a patient suffers. Following are some of them
Physical signs and symptoms
Physical signs and symptoms which might arise due to PD are as follows-
Balance issues might increase the likelihood that a person will fall and damage themself.
Loss of smell (anosmia) can occur several years before other symptoms appear.
Nerve pain can produce unpleasant feelings, including burning, freezing, or numbness.
Peeing issues, such as needing to wake up several times during the night to urinate or accidentally peeing (urinary incontinence)
Excessive sweating, often known as hyperhidrosis
In men, the inability to acquire or maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction).
An abrupt drop in blood pressure causes dizziness, blurred vision, or fainting when changing from sitting or lying to standing.
Swallowing problems often lead to malnutrition and exhaustion.
Excessive saliva production.
Sleeping problems (insomnia) might cause excessive tiredness during the day.
Anxiety and depression
Mild cognitive impairment consists of minor memory issues and difficulties with activities that need planning and organisation.
Dementia is a collection of symptoms that include progressively severe memory issues, changes in personality, perceiving things that aren't there (visual hallucinations), and false beliefs that are not real (delusions)
Treatments and Procedures
Currently, there is no defined cure for Parkinson's disease at the present moment; however, treatments are offered to help reduce symptoms and preserve the quality of life in patients, which include the following: supportive therapies such as physiotherapy, medicinal treatment and surgical measures in some cases.
Therapeutic interventions
There are numerous therapies that can help you manage the symptoms daily if a patient has Parkinson's disease. Some of the most common forms of supportive therapies are as follows-
Through movement manipulation and exercise, a physiotherapist can help you reduce muscular stiffness and joint discomfort.
The physiotherapist's goal is to help you move more easily and to enhance your walking and mobility. They also strive to increase your fitness and capacity to handle your affairs.
Therapy for speech and language
Many persons with Parkinson's disease suffer from swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) as well as speech impairments.
A speech and language therapist may frequently aid you in improving these issues by teaching speaking and swallowing exercises or by offering assistive technology.
Occupational therapy (OT)
An occupational therapist can help you discover areas of difficulty in your daily life, such as dressing or going to the store.
They can assist you in devising practical solutions and ensuring that your house is secure and correctly configured for you. This will allow you to keep your freedom as long as possible. To know more about OT, visit our Clinic in India today.
Medication can be used to alleviate the primary Parkinson's disease symptoms, including shaking (tremors) and mobility difficulties.
However, not all drugs are appropriate for everybody, and the long- and short-term consequences of each vary.
There are three primary types of medicine that are widely used:
Dopamine agonists
Inhibitors of monoamine oxidase-B
A specialist may go through your drug options with you, including the dangers connected with each one, and help you decide which one is best for you.
As the illness worsens and your needs alter, you will need to have regular check-ups.
The majority of persons with Parkinson's are prescribed medication, while deep brain stimulation surgery is utilised in rare circumstances.
Deep brain stimulation
Deep brain stimulation entails surgically installing a pulse generator into your chest wall, similar to a cardiac pacemaker.
This is linked to one or two thin wires put beneath the skin and is carefully inserted into certain sections of your brain.
The pulse generator generates a tiny electric current that travels through the wire and stimulates the area of the brain suffering from Parkinson's disease.
Although surgery can not cure Parkinson's, it can help some patients with their symptoms.
Parkinson's disease can not immediately cause death, but it can put a burden on the body and make certain people more susceptible to severe and life-threatening diseases. However, because of advancements in therapy, the majority of people with Parkinson's disease today enjoy a normal life expectancy.
Parkinson's disease begins with physical symptoms. Difficulties with cognitive function, such as forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating, may develop later. Many people get dementia as the condition progresses. This might result in severe loss of memory and make it difficult to sustain connections.
Tremors, muscular stiffness, and a slowness in movement are all prevalent early Parkinson's symptoms.
According to research, customised diet may decrease the progression of Parkinson's disease. Eating a whole-food, plant-based, Mediterranean-style diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, nuts, seeds, fish, olive and coconut oils, and other nutrients may help reduce the course of Parkinson's disease.
Parkinson's disease is a neurological ailment that produces unintentional or uncontrolled movements such as shaking, stiffness, and difficulties with balance and coordination. Symptoms normally appear gradually and progress over time. People may have trouble walking and communicating as the condition advances
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