Rib Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Rib Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Rib Pain

Rib Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

A prevalent issue affecting people of all ages is rib pain, which can have various reasons, from small sprains of the muscles to major underlying diseases. It can be worrisome to experience pain in your chest wall or ribs. You might start worrying right away that you are suffering a heart attack. Rib pain characterised by pain or acute sensations in the back or chest can have a major negative influence on everyday activities and quality of life.

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Understanding the indications associated with rib pain is essential for prompt diagnosis and efficient management. This thorough reference clearly and concisely describes the most prevalent symptoms of rib discomfort, along with potential causes and solutions for relief.

Don't disregard it. Rib pain can be caused by a wide range of illnesses, from relatively minor to highly catastrophic, including heart attacks. Make an appointment with a medical expert to discuss your concerns and obtain the necessary treatments. Take charge of your well-being right now. Give Manipal Hospitals a call right now to schedule an easy appointment. Our specialists are available to assist you in promptly determining the reason and receiving the finest care possible. 

Which Rib Pain Symptoms Demand Your Attention?

It is a guessing game because rib pain can vary significantly. The following list of typical rib pain symptoms can determine the possible cause of your discomfort:

  • Chest pain that is sharp or stabbing, especially when you cough or breathe deeply.

  • Rib cage pain or tenderness to the touch.

  • Difficulty with specific motions, like bending or twisting.

  • Discomfort that gets worse when you move or put pressure on your ribs.

  • Swelling or bruises encircling the injured area.

  • Back rib pain, back pain or abdominal pain that spreads.

  • Breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, or an uncomfortable popping or crackling feeling when moving the ribs.

  • Ribs or adjacent areas experiencing tingling or numbness.

  • Long-lasting pain or pain that gets worse over time may.

To get those ribs feeling their best again, contact your doctor for a specialised evaluation and the right course of action!

What are the Potential Causes of Rib Pain?

Even if a rib discomfort could seem like the result of a personal grudge, there's usually a rational explanation. These are a few typical offenders:


  • Strained muscles or ligaments: Intense discomfort can be caused by strained muscles or ligaments between your ribcage, which might result from overuse, coughing, or unnatural motions.

  • Costochondritis: When the cartilage which links the ribs to the breastbone becomes inflamed, it can cause sudden, acute pain that hurts deeply when you cough or take deep breaths.

  • Fractures: Sports injuries, falls, and car crashes can break or shatter the ribs, causing excruciating agony that gets worse as you move.


  • Shingles: This viral illness can result in a rash and a burning, prickly feeling around the ribs.

  • Arthritis: Pain and stiffness may be carried on by degenerative changes in the joints that attach the ribs to the spine.

  • Acid reflux: When swallowing becomes difficult or there is heartburn, stomach acid irritating the oesophagus can cause symptoms that resemble rib pain.

  • Referred pain: The heart, lungs, gallbladder, or other organs can occasionally cause pain that radiates to the ribs.

Seek medical attention if:

  • It hurts a lot or keeps hurting.

  • You feel pressure in your chest or trouble breathing.

  • You have unexpected weight loss, an allergic reaction, or a fever.

  • You think there might be a break or wound.

Remember that this is not a comprehensive list. Seeking medical advice from a doctor may help identify the root cause and set you up for recovery.

What is the Process to Diagnose Rib Pain?

Deciphering the Code: Diagnosing Rib Pain

Consult a doctor:

  • In-depth explanation: Precisely describe the location, type (dull, sharp, etc.), intensity, and exacerbating elements that cause the pain.

  • Medical history: Please disclose any pertinent ailments, wounds, or prescription medications.

Physical Examination:

  • The doctor will examine your ribs and chest to feel for any soreness, oedema, or abnormalities

  • They might evaluate your respiration and range of motion.

Imaging Tests (if required):

  • X-rays

  • CT scans

  • MRI scans

Additional Tests (in specific cases):

  • Blood tests

  • ECG/echocardiogram

Don’t forget:

  • Specific symptoms and individual variables determine the diagnosis.

  • Asking questions and sharing concerns with your doctor is important. Don't be afraid to ask.

  • A timely diagnosis results in the right course of rib pain treatment and a quicker recovery.

Which Medical Treatments Are Provided for Rib Pain?

The true cause of rib pain dictates how to treat it. This is a sneak peek to rib pain treatment:

  • Pain management: Mild to severe rib discomfort can be relieved with over-the-counter painkillers.

  • Rib Bracing: Wearing a rib brace or wrap can assist in supporting and healing broken ribs and lessen discomfort when moving.

  • Steroid Injections: Injections given directly into the injured area have the potential to lower inflammation and offer long-lasting pain relief.

  • Intercostal Nerve Blocks: Injecting numbing medicine near the nerves between the ribs can temporarily alleviate severe rib pain.

  • Surgery: To fix or stabilise fractured ribs or address the root causes causing pain, surgery may be considered in rare circumstances where conservative therapy is ineffective.

At-Home remedies for Rib Pain?

  • Rest: You can speed up the healing process by avoiding rigorous activities and some rest.

  • Ice and Heat Therapy: Using heating pads or ice packs on the affected area can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

  • Physical therapy: A physical therapist's prescribed mild stretching and strengthening exercises can increase the range of motion and reduce pain.

  • Practice deep breathing exercises for pain management.

When to see a doctor?

If your rib pain is severe, becomes worse when you breathe, radiates, or comes with shortness of breath, chest tightness, or blood in your cough, consult a doctor instantly. Prompt diagnosis averts any consequences and ensures appropriate treatment.

Therefore, rib pain is a serious problem that affects people of all ages and influences everyday activities and quality of life. A precise diagnosis and successful treatment depend on the ability to identify symptoms and seek medical help as soon as possible. Knowing possible causes is crucial for everything from musculoskeletal problems to underlying diseases like arthritis or shingles. Depending on the precise reason for your rib discomfort, your treatment choices can include anything from pain management to surgical procedures. Physical therapy and at-home cures can also help with recovery. Making health a priority and getting yourself checked immediately secures the best results and returns well-being. Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals to get the finest treatment. 


  • What causes rib pain?

Numerous conditions can cause rib pain, including strained muscles, shingles, fractures, inflammation (costochondritis), and even acid reflux. A doctor's advice is essential for a precise diagnosis.

  • How does rib pain feel?

Breathing difficulties or a tingling sensation in the ribcage or adjacent regions may accompany acute or stabbing rib pain, which may intensify with movement or pressure.

  • Should I worry about rib pain?

Milder cases can be treated with rest and medications for pain, but more severe cases, such as breathing difficulties or intense pain, require rapid medical attention. If in doubt if discomfort continues, see a doctor.

  • When should I seek medical attention for rib pain?

If you have severe or ongoing discomfort, chest pressure, difficulty breathing, sudden weight loss, fever, or think you may have a rib fracture or wound, get immediate help.

  • How is rib pain diagnosed?

A doctor's consultation, study of the patient's medical history, physical examination to determine any abnormalities or soreness, and, in certain situations, further testing such as MRIs, CT scans, or X-rays are all part of the diagnosis process.

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