Tooth Sensitivity : Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments
Tooth Sensitivity : Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity : Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments

Tooth sensitivity is a commonly experienced dental ailment characterized by discomfort or pain in response to certain stimuli, such as hot or cold foods, beverages, sweet treats, or even air contact. This condition occurs when the underlying dentin, a sensitive layer beneath the enamel, becomes exposed due to enamel erosion, gum recession, or dental conditions like cavities or fractures. Sensations ranging from mild twinges to sharp, shooting pain can disrupt daily activities like eating and drinking, impacting overall oral health and quality of life. As per research, around 11.5% to 40% of adults experience tooth sensitivity across the world. This means that tens of millions of people around the world are affected. Tooth sensitivity treatment typically involves identifying underlying causes and employing strategies like desensitizing toothpaste, fluoride treatments, or dental interventions.

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What are the Symptoms of Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity symptoms may vary based on the underlying cause and age of an individual. Here are some of them:

  1. Pain or discomfort when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages.

  2. Sensitivity to sweet or sour foods.

  3. Discomfort when brushing or flossing, particularly around the gumline.

  4. Pain or sensitivity when breathing in cold air through the mouth.

  5. Throbbing or shooting pain in response to pressure on the affected tooth.

  6. Discomfort or pain upon exposure to acidic foods or drinks.

  7. Sensitivity to touch or temperature changes in the mouth.

  8. Pain or discomfort when biting down on certain foods.

  9. Increased sensitivity to dental procedures or treatments.

  10. Lingering discomfort or pain after consuming triggering foods or drinks.

If you notice any of these symptoms, book an appointment with our Dental Medicine Doctors at Manipal Hospitals.

What are the causes of Tooth Sensitivity?

Here are 5 major tooth sensitivity causes:

  1. Enamel erosion: Gradual wear of the protective enamel layer exposes sensitive dentin, leading to sensitivity to various stimuli like temperature.

  2. Gum recession: Receding gums expose tooth roots, which lack protective enamel, resulting in heightened sensitivity to stimuli.

  3. Tooth decay: Cavities compromise tooth structure, exposing sensitive inner layers to external factors, leading to discomfort or pain.

  4. Tooth grinding: Bruxism can wear down the enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity due to dentin exposure. 

  5. Dental procedures: Certain treatments like tooth whitening or dental restorations may temporarily increase tooth sensitivity post-procedure.

How is Tooth Sensitivity Diagnosed?

  1. Cold air test: A gentle stream of cold air is directed at the teeth to assess sensitivity reactions.

  2. Thermal test: Application of hot and cold stimuli to determine tooth sensitivity thresholds.

  3. Electric pulp test: Measures nerve response to electrical stimulation to evaluate tooth sensitivity levels.

  4. Periodontal probing: Examination of gum pockets and recession to assess potential causes of tooth sensitivity.

  5. Bite test: Applying controlled pressure to assess discomfort or pain levels, revealing signs of sensitivity or underlying issues.

What are the Treatments Available?

Sensitive teeth cure involves oral hygiene care and getting treatment from a dentist. Here are a few tooth sensitivity treatment options: 

  1. Desensitizing toothpaste: Contains compounds like potassium nitrate to block pain signals and alleviate sensitivity when used regularly.

  2. Fluoride treatments: Strengthen enamel and decrease sensitivity by promoting remineralization and blocking exposed dentinal tubules.

  3. Dental sealants: Applied to cover exposed tooth surfaces, preventing stimuli from reaching sensitive areas and reducing discomfort.

  4. Gum grafting: Surgical procedure to cover exposed tooth roots, reducing sensitivity caused by gum recession and protecting underlying dentin.

  5. Desensitizing treatments: Professional applications of fluoride varnishes or bonding agents to alleviate tooth sensitivity effectively and promptly.

Visit our Dental Medicine at Manipal Hospitals to map out the ideal treatment for your condition.

What are the Home Remedies?

Here are some home remedies that you can try for sensitive teeth pain relief:

  1. Saltwater rinse: Mix salt in warm water and swish around the mouth to reduce inflammation and tooth sensitivity.

  2. Clove oil: Apply a small amount to the affected area for its natural analgesic and numbing properties.

  3. Green tea rinse: Rinse mouth with cooled green tea to soothe gums and reduce sensitivity.

  4. Honey and warm water: Swish a mixture of honey and warm water to alleviate discomfort and promote healing.

  5. Oil pulling with coconut oil: Swish coconut oil in the mouth for several minutes to reduce bacteria and relieve sensitivity.

When to see a Doctor?

If tooth sensitivity persists despite trying home remedies or worsens over time, it's advisable to consult a dentist. Additionally, if sensitivity is accompanied by swelling, persistent pain, or signs of infection like fever, prompt dental evaluation is crucial to address underlying issues and prevent further complications.

Tooth sensitivity is a prevalent dental concern that can significantly impact daily life. It arises from various factors like enamel erosion, gum recession, decay, or dental procedures. While home remedies offer temporary relief, persistent or severe sensitivity warrants professional evaluation. Dentists employ sensitive teeth pain relief treatments ranging from desensitizing agents to surgical interventions, tailored to address underlying causes and alleviate discomfort effectively. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups are vital for preventing and managing tooth sensitivity. With proper care and timely intervention, you can mitigate sensitivity, ensuring optimal oral health and overall well-being. 


1. What causes tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can stem from enamel erosion, gum recession, tooth decay, or dental procedures, exposing sensitive dentin to external stimuli.

2. Can tooth sensitivity be prevented?

Yes, practising good oral hygiene, using desensitizing toothpaste, and avoiding acidic foods can help prevent enamel erosion and reduce sensitivity.

3. Are there long-term solutions for tooth sensitivity?

Long-term solutions include professional treatments like fluoride applications, dental sealants, or gum grafting, tailored to address underlying causes and provide lasting relief.

4. Why is my tooth sensitive all of a sudden?

Tooth sensitivity can occur suddenly due to factors like enamel erosion, gum recession, tooth decay, or dental procedures, exposing sensitive dentin and triggering discomfort in response to stimuli.

5. Can tooth sensitivity go away?

Yes, tooth sensitivity can often be managed and even resolved with proper dental care, including desensitizing treatments, fluoride applications, and addressing underlying causes like enamel erosion or gum recession.

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