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A diagnostic technique called angiography utilises X-ray pictures to check for blood artery blockages (arteries or veins). Your healthcare practitioner can observe how blood flows through blood arteries at particular points in your body by performing an angiogram procedure in varthur road. To find the root of an artery or vein problem, doctors utilise an angiogram of your chest, neck, kidneys, limbs, or other parts of your body. Your doctor can determine the diagnosis of and/or design a treatment plan for illnesses like:
Cardiovascular disease.
A disease of the peripheral arteries.
Clots of blood.
Your doctor may want to examine your blood to see how well your blood clots are prior to your angiography test. They also want to confirm that your kidneys are functioning properly. The night before your test, after midnight, adhere to these rules:
Before stopping any medicine, always speak with your doctor.
It is advisable to avoid taking aspirin or aspirin-containing products.
Avoid using blood thinners for 72 hours prior to the test and for 24 hours following the test.
Ask your doctor for guidance on when and whether you should take your insulin if you have diabetes.
On the day of your angiography, avoid eating anything after midnight and only drink a lot of fluids.
The steps are followed during the procedure:
The place where the catheter will go is numbed. Then a flexible, thin tube known as a catheter is inserted in a significant artery (usually in your groyne area).
As the catheter's tip approaches the area of the blood vessel, doctors will cautiously and gradually thread it into your artery.
The catheter will be used to inject a small quantity of contrast agent (dye) into the targeted blood vessel segment. This may cause you to flush briefly or feel the urge to urinate.
The cardiologist doctor in varthur road will follow the path of the contrast material on the X-ray monitor to examine where and how well blood is travelling in your blood vessels.
After removing the catheter and bandaging the skin puncture site, your healthcare practitioner will finish. To halt or prevent bleeding, they will apply pressure to the wrapped region for at least 15 minutes.
You will need to stay in bed for four to six hours if they insert the catheter via your leg. Your incision will be less prone to haemorrhage as a result.
After an angiogram, an angioplasty may be used to repair any blockages. Bypass surgery is another option for treating blockages.
Angiogram risks often concern the puncture site and include the following:
Bruises. These are typical and disappear after a week or two.
Kidney problems.
A response to the contrasting substance
An obstruction in a blood vessel may cause a cardiac event or stroke (rarely).
A ruptured blood vessel (rarely).
Home Varthurroad Specialities Cardiology Angiogram