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Periodontal therapy concentrates on diseases of the supporting structures of teeth, which include gums, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. It covers a wide spectrum of preventive and therapeutic, as well as general-care procedures, from prophylaxis to numerous surgical manoeuvres. Other important aspects of this discipline include inflammation control, tissue regeneration, and maintenance therapy for achieving periodontal health and stability.
The approach consists of a thorough periodontal examination, including probing depth measurements, assessment of bleeding and suppuration, and radiographic analysis of bone levels. Initial therapy would include scaling and root planing done through both hand instruments and ultrasonic devices that remove plaque, calculus, and contaminated cementum. Advanced procedures may include laser therapy for pocket decontamination, local delivery of antimicrobial agents, and regenerative procedures using barriers and biologics. Surgical interventions range from gingivectomy and osseous surgery to guided tissue regeneration techniques and soft tissue grafting. Benefits of treatment include the resolution of infection, the reduction of the depth of pockets, and the stabilisation of periodontal attachment levels.
Consult our dentists if you need Effective Periodontal Treatments for Healthy Gums & Teeth Care in Varthur Road Bangalore.
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