TMJ Disorders: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

TMJ Disorders

TMJ Disorders treatments in Varthur Road Bangalore

TMJ disorders form a spectrum of conditions concerning the jaw joint and related musculature, which affect activities usually required in day-to-day living, such as speaking, chewing, and facial expression. Some of the pathological conditions in this multifactorial disorder may include disc displacement, arthritis, and myofascial pain syndromes. This field requires an adequate understanding of joint biomechanics, neuromuscular function and pain management principles.

The procedural aspects and benefits of TMJ treatment follow a systematic approach toward diagnosis and management. Initial assessment includes detailed history, clinical examination of joint function, muscle palpation, and evaluation of occlusal relationships. Diagnostic imaging might include panoramic radiographs, CBCT, or MRI studies to visualize joint structures and positions. The common procedure includes a course of conservative-to-invasive sequence, beginning with patient education and self-care instructions. Physical therapy interventions should include fish mouth jaw exercises, posture training, and manual therapy techniques. Occlusal appliance therapy utilises specially constructed splints to alter joint and muscle activity loading. More aggressive options include arthrocentesis, arthroscopy, or open joint surgery if indicated. Benefits are a reduction in pain levels, improvement in range of motion, and quality of life. 

Consult our dentists if you need TMJ Disorders treatments in Varthur Road Bangalore.

Explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for TMJ disorders. Learn how to manage jaw pain and improve your quality of life