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Doctors use various techniques in minimally invasive surgery to operate with less damage to the body than in open surgery. Minimally invasive microscopic and endoscopic procedure in varthur road is associated with less pain, a shorter hospital stay, and fewer complications in general. Minimally invasive surgery benefits people with a wide range of conditions due to ongoing advancements or innovations.
Minimally invasive spine surgery can be faster, safer, and require less recovery time than open spine surgery. Because there is less trauma to the muscles and soft tissues (in comparison to open procedures), the potential benefits are as follows:
Smaller skin incisions produce better cosmetic results (sometimes as small as several millimetres).
Surgery results in less blood loss.
Muscle damage is reduced because less or no muscle cutting is required.
Reduced infection and postoperative pain risk.
Surgery recovery time is reduced, and rehabilitation is reduced.
Reduced reliance on pain medications following surgery.
Furthermore, some MIS surgeries are performed as outpatient procedures with only local anaesthesia, reducing the risk of an adverse reaction to general anaesthesia.
Surgery through a tubular device avoids significant skin, muscles, nerves and bone incisions. Endoscopic access to the spine typically requires a 1 cm incision. In the last two decades, the endoscopic approach has successfully avoided open surgery for both spinal disc protrusion and spinal disc herniation.
Here is the summary of the procedures for endoscopic Spine Surgery:
You will be put to sleep or unconscious through local anaesthesia or other local sedation medications.
Then, an incision of 5 to 6 mm will be performed on the back of yours to put an endoscope (A medial surgical instrument having a camera in a small tube) as a working channel.
Under constant X-ray control, the endoscope is guided to the painful site inside the spinal cord.
The spinal disc and nerve roots are visible through an endoscope camera.
Small instruments can be used to remove material from herniated spinal discs.
The endoscopic camera was used by the top spine specialists in varthur road to monitor and document the surgery at all times.
The procedure will likely be completed in 30-45 minutes.
Sutures are usually not required since the incision may be small.
On the day of the surgery, the patient may be mobilised immediately.
The day after endoscopic back surgery, physiotherapy begins. Outpatient physiotherapy should be used to continue treatment.
Endoscopic spine surgery avoids trauma to bones and muscles by utilising pre-existing access routes into the spine. However, using pre-existing access routes limits the application of endoscopic surgery. Open surgical access through the bones surrounding the spinal cord is required if a specific problem area cannot be reached through a natural opening.
Home Varthurroad Specialities Spine-care Minimally-invasive-microscopic-and-endoscopic-procedures