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The goal of navigation assisted minimally invasive lumbar fusion surgery in Varthur road is to stabilise the vertebral bones and spinal joints and relieve pressure on the spinal nerves, which is often caused by spinal instability, bone spurs, herniated discs, scoliosis, or spinal tumours.
Disease of the degenerative disc.
Disc herniation.
Stenosis of the lumbar spine.
Scoliosis is a type of spinal deformity.
Infections of the spine.
Instability of the spine, including spondylolisthesis.
Compression fractures of the vertebrae.
Tumours of the spine.
Because the spinal nerves, vertebrae, and discs are located deep within the body, any approach to gaining access to the spinal area necessitates the removal of muscle tissue. This is made easier by making small incisions and guiding instruments and/or microscopic video cameras through them. Lasers are rarely used in MIS surgeries, contrary to popular belief.
During MIS surgery, trauma can be reduced by employing various techniques. Here are a few of the most typical methods:
Percutaneous Screw and Rod Placement
It can be necessary to implant equipment, such as rods and screws, to stabilise the spine or to immobilise the spine to aid in the fusion of the spinal bones, depending on the patient's condition. The surface of the spine must be extensively cleared of muscle and other tissues to implant screws using traditional methods.
Routes with Direct Lateral Access
Because there is less muscular tissue in the way when one approaches the spine from the side of the body, pain can sometimes be lessened, especially when it involves the lumbar spine. Usually, the patient is placed on their side when using this technique.
Spinal discs act as cushions between the spinal bones by resembling elastic rings with a soft substance inside. The soft tissue inside the elastic ring can herniate or extrude outside of it if the elastic ring weakens. The debris from the herniated disc may squeeze nearby nerves, resulting in discomfort. It may be possible to do MIS surgery with tubular dilators and a microscope or endoscope if surgical treatment is advised to trim or remove the herniated disc.
Fusion of the Transforaminal Lumbar Vertebrae (TLIF)
Patients who experienced low mechanical back and radicular pain refractory and caused by spondylolisthesis, degenerative disc disease, or recurrent disc herniation are treated using this MIS approach. The patient is placed on their stomach, and the surgery is carried out from the back (posterior).
Screws and rods are inserted between two or more spinal levels by the spine doctors in vrthur road, using two tiny incisions. The intervertebral disc is removed to stabilise the afflicted levels, and a cage made of bone is inserted into the space left behind.
Minimally invasive spine surgery can be faster, safer, and require less recovery than open spine surgery. Because there is less trauma to the muscles and soft tissues (in comparison to open procedures), the potential benefits are as follows:
Smaller skin incisions produce better cosmetic results (sometimes as small as several millimetres).
Surgery results in less blood loss.
Muscle damage is reduced because less or no muscle cutting is required.
Reduced infection and postoperative pain risk.
Surgery recovery time is reduced, and rehabilitation is diminished.
Reduced reliance on pain medications following surgery.
Home Varthurroad Specialities Spine-care Navigation-assisted-minimally-invasive-lumbar-fusion