One of the most effective and economic measures we can take to safeguard ourselves against potentially fatal diseases is vaccination. Vaccinations are not just for children, and the need for immunization occurs at specific times in adulthood.
Millions of individuals are hospitalized across the globe after becoming dangerously ill with diseases that are easily preventable by vaccinations. Age does not reduce the necessity for vaccinations. Regular adult vaccinations actually enhance the effectiveness of childhood vaccinations, support immunity for more recent illnesses, and also offer protection from diseases when our immunity is impaired.
The immunity we had from prior vaccinations against various diseases may diminish as we age. Getting a second dose, referred to as a booster, can strengthen our resistance and offer the best defense. Adults may have skipped one or more vaccinations. They might need to catch up by getting these shots right away. Adults, especially those in good health, are more likely to develop certain diseases. This is why adults require more vaccinations as they age.
One of the simplest and safest forms of preventive treatment is vaccination. Depending on age, health, occupation, way of life, and travel habits, one could require additional vaccinations. Vaccination is just as important for adults as it is for children, but the sad reality is that adults are still under-vaccinated. Visit our general medicine hospital in Vijayawada to get vaccinated.
Millions of people are hospitalized around the world after becoming critically ill from illnesses that could be easily avoided with immunizations. The need for vaccinations does not diminish with age, and routine adult vaccinations support childhood vaccination efficacy, provide immunity for more recent comorbidities, and offer protection from diseases when immunity is reduced.
Recommended Vaccines for Adults
Adult vaccinations are advised based on a number of variables, including age, previous vaccinations, health conditions, lifestyle, work, and travel. The following is a discussion of several adult vaccines:
It is advised that all adults receive a primary series of the COVID-19 vaccination along with any necessary booster doses. Book an appointment to know more.
Hepatitis A (Hep A)
If anyone wishes to avoid contracting hepatitis A or if they have a particular risk factor for the infection, they should get this vaccine. Typically, the vaccination is administered in 2 doses, 6 to 18 months apart.
Hepatitis B (Hep B)
It is advised that, depending on the brand, all adults under the age of 60 finish a 2- or 3-dose course of the hepatitis B vaccine. If the individuals are 60 years of age or older and have a certain risk factor, or if they don't have a risk factor but still wish to get vaccinated, they need this vaccination.
Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae type B)
Some people need the Hib vaccine if they have specific high-risk conditions like not having a functional spleen. One needs to find out if they require this vaccination by speaking with their healthcare practitioner.
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
If the individual is 26 years of age or younger, they should obtain this vaccination. Those between the ages of 27 and 45 may also receive the HPV vaccine after speaking with their doctor. Depending on the age at which the first dose was administered, the vaccination is typically administered in 2 or 3 doses spaced 6 months apart.
Influenza (Flu)
Every fall (or even as late as winter or spring), one should get an influenza vaccination for both their protection and the protection of those around them.
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
Anyone born in or after 1957 requires at least one dose of the MMR vaccine. Perhaps they should take another dose. Immunocompromised individuals shouldn't receive the MMR vaccine.
Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY)
If one has one of the numerous medical conditions, such as a non-functioning spleen, one might need the MenACWY vaccine. If their risk persists, they might also need booster shots. If they are under 21 years old, first-year college students living in a residence hall, and either have never been immunized or were immunized before the age of 16, they need MenACWY.
Meningococcal B (MenB)
MenB may be required if they have one of the listed medical conditions, such as if their spleen is not functioning, as well as boosters if their risk persists. After speaking with their healthcare provider, they may also decide to get the MenB vaccine if they are 23 years of age or younger (even if they don't have a high-risk medical condition).
Pneumococcal (PPSV23; PCV15, PCV20)
Pneumococcal vaccination is necessary for those under 65 who have specific underlying medical disorders (such as chronic heart disease) or other risk factors. All people aged 65 and up must also be immunized (PCV). The vaccines that might be required can be determined by the doctor.
Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis) (Tdap, Td)
One should obtain a Tdap shot right away if they have never had one before. A Tdap or Td booster dose is required after that every 10 years. If they haven't received at least 3 doses containing tetanus and diphtheria toxoids at any point in their life or if the wound is deep or unclean, one should inform the doctor.
Varicella (Chickenpox)
One should ask their doctor if they need this vaccine if they have never had chickenpox, or were only given one dose of the vaccine, or have never had the disease.
Zoster (shingles)
Even if one has already had the Zostavax shingles vaccine, anyone aged 19 or older who has a compromised immune system or who is 50 or older should have a 2-dose series of the Shingrix shingles vaccine.
To confirm the level of infection risk and whether the individual requires the specific vaccine, they should communicate with our general physician in Vijayawada.
Consultant - General Physician, Internal Medicine
Manipal Hospitals, Vijayawada