Heart failure is a major concern and a potentially fatal condition for humans. It is commonly defined as a medical condition in which the cardiac muscle is incapable of pumping enough blood to meet the body's need for oxygen and blood. In summary, the heart is incapable of carrying out its duties properly.
Heart failure cannot be cured. However, we may assist ourselves in managing the chronic condition and lowering its influence on our lives. Individuals' meal choices, in general, help in keeping an active and healthy lifestyle. The food we eat influences biological processes, including the heart. Altering the diet menu reduces the risk of having a heart attack.
Here is a list of diets that can help and foods to avoid.
Foods to eat for a Healthy Heart
A healthy diet consists of:
Fruits and vegetables
Nuts and seeds
Beans and legumes
Fish and seafood
Whole grains
Plant-based oils such as olive oils
Lean meats
Skinless poultry.
The above-mentioned diet has low saturated fat, sodium and added sugar. Consumption of a high diet in the above ingredients increases the risk of heart attack.
Individuals often use canned and frozen veggies and fruits instead of fresh varieties while looking out for added ingredients like sodium, butter or sugar. Therefore, it is recommended to consume vegetables and fruits in their natural form to seek more benefits.
Fish is considered to be one of the best foods for the proper functioning of the heart. Oily fishes contain omega-3 fatty acids which is effective in reducing inflammation and triglyceride level in the body while promoting vascular health.
Following are some diet lists recommended for maintaining heart health:
It is recommended to consume 2 servings of fish every week with different fish varieties such as salmon, sardines, trout, herring and mackerel.
Intake of more amount of water is recommended by the best cardiologist in Vijayawada. Also, flavouring the plain water with lemon, cucumber or berry is often used by individuals for natural flavour.
Types of Diet Recommended
Mediterranean Diet
Recent studies have revealed that the Mediterranean diet is effective in treating cardiovascular diseases, thus lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke. The diet mainly includes healthy fats, legumes, fish, beans and grains along with several fresh vegetables and fruits. Dairy and meat products can be consumed moderately with the diet. This diet recommends the preference of plant-based oils instead of butter. The choice of using low-fat or non-fat dairy products is recommended which will be effective in reducing overall saturated fat consumption.
This diet is effective in promoting heart health by lowering blood pressure. This diet focuses on plant-based foods and lean meats. Maintaining the salt concentration in homemade foods and monitoring the labels of packaged and canned foods for sodium levels. It is preferred to consume 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy every day. The DASH diet lowers blood pressure levels naturally by lowering the sodium and cholesterol intake, which helps promote heart health.
Plant-based Eating
This diet focuses on the consumption of little to no meat in the diet. This diet includes mainly fruits and vegetables along with grains, legumes and non-animal food sources. It is effective in promoting heart health and lowering the risk of cancer, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Avoiding the intake of less meat in diet results in lower consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol.
Foods to Avoid to Maintain Heart Health
Certain varieties of foods need to be avoided to maintain heart health. It is recommended to limit the consumption of excess sugar, salt and unhealthy fats. The other foods that should be avoided include:
Fast food
Fried food
Canned food (except veggies and beans, until the addition of no salt)
Processed frozen meals
Cookies and cakes
Ice creams
Condiments including mayonnaise, ketchup, and packaged dressing
Red meat (only in limited quantity)
Hydrogenated vegetable oils (as these contain trans fats)
Deli meat
Pizza burgers and hot dogs.
It is recommended to limit the intake of saturated fat as these fats contribute to more than 6% of the total calorie intake which may be dangerous for those who are already have high cholesterol. For heart treatment in Vijayawada, consult the specialists at Manipal Hospitals.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What foods should heart failure patients avoid?
Patients who have heart failure should avoid refined grains such as white bread, white rice, white pasta, and certain sugar-sweetened breakfast cereals that have their fibre removed. This poses a particular concern for individuals with heart failure, as it frequently accompanies conditions like Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.
What is the best food for heart failure?
The best foods recommended for heart failure patients include varieties of fruits and vegetables. Also, foods with low salt concentrations such as fresh meats, poultry, fish, dry and fresh legumes, eggs, milk and yoghurt. The low sodium content food items may also include plain rice and oatmeal.
What should I eat and drink in case of heart failure?
Following are some foods and drinks that are recommended for heart failure patients:
Intake of fruits and vegetables for at least 5 portions a day
Consumption of dairy or dairy alternatives
Intake of beans or pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other sources of protein
Intake of low concentrations of saturated fat, salt and sugar.