Hypertension, most often known as high blood pressure, is sometimes undiagnosed until it results in a considerable amount of damage to the arteries. This is the reason it is also termed a silent killer. Hypertension is the condition when blood pressure remains consistently higher than 140 mm Hg over 90 mm Hg. Around 15 million people in India suffer from hypertension. Hypertension can be controlled with medication and lifestyle modifications.
Heart disease, stroke, renal disease, and other significant health issues may occur due to hypertension. Hence, this blog will implicate the understanding of the basic aspects of managing hypertension to prevent any further health risks.
Effects of Hypertension on Other Organs
According to the top general physician in Vijayawada, persistent high blood pressure destroys the blood vessels and leads to the build-up of LDL (bad) cholesterol along arterial wall tears. This causes the arteries to constrict and makes the circulatory system work harder while performing less effectively. Hence, having high blood pressure increases the chance of getting serious illnesses that could endanger an individual's life.
How Hypertension affect the Heart
Our heart needs blood since it is a muscle. Individuals may experience an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), chest discomfort (angina), and a heart attack when its supply channels are not appropriate. The heart has to pump more forcefully in order to move blood through congested or tight arteries. An overworked heart can enlarge beyond what is normal. The heart's muscle loses strength and its ability to pump blood efficiently. It may result in a heart attack or heart failure. If someone already has cardiac issues, their chances of heart failure are higher. Read the blog hypertension-induced heart diseases to gain detailed knowledge.
How Hypertension Affects the Brain
Hypertension is the major risk factor for stroke. A brain artery that ruptures, leaks, or becomes blocked might prevent blood from reaching brain cells. Individuals may experience issues with language, vision, movement, or everything else that the brain regulates, depending on whatever area of the brain loses blood and what happens to it. If the blood supply is restored or if the cells die, the harm might only be transient. Also, decreased blood flow to the brain can impair the ability to remember and think effectively, which may lead to vascular dementia.
How Hypertension Affects the Kidneys
The prevalence of kidney disease among those with hypertension is quite high. Kidneys are supported by a network of minuscule blood vessels to receive oxygen and nutrients and filter waste from the body. Kidneys cannot function properly when the vessels become blocked. Blood pressure is regulated in part by healthy kidneys, so when they are compromised, blood pressure may rise, which may lead to more kidney problems.
How Hypertension Affects the Eyes
Persistent hypertension can restrict blood flow and harm the eyes' tiny blood vessels. The retina, a specific area of the eye where images are focused, may get clogged with fluid. These factors may cause issues such as blurry, distorted, or missing vision. Also, if the optic nerve does not receive enough blood, an individual could lose their sight.
How Hypertension Affects the Bones
Hypertension may lead to bone loss or osteoporosis.
How Hypertension Affects the Sexual Organs
Hypertension results in decreased blood flow which causes sexual dysfunction among individuals.
How to Avoid Hypertension
Lifestyle modification is one of the most important choices to avoid hypertension:
Eating a Balanced Diet
Consumption of fruits and vegetables, mainly those that are rich in potassium and have a lower content of fat and sugar, helps keep blood pressure under control. The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is recommended for managing hypertension.
Maintaining an optimum weight helps reduce blood pressure.
Cutting down on salt intake helps control blood pressure. People should avoid eating processed foods, pickles, sausages, and other ready-to-eat items as these contain high salt content.
Exercising Regularly
One should get active to lower their blood pressure. Exercise helps in better managing hypertension. An excellent place to start is with moderate exercise for 30 minutes, three times a week.
Quitting Smoking and Limiting Alcohol
The key to preventing hypertension is quitting smoking. Hypertension can result from alcohol abuse. One should maintain the recommended intake, which is no more than one drink per day, to prevent hypertension.
Monitoring Blood Pressure Regularly
A doctor's visit or using technological devices at home should be used to assess blood pressure periodically. Only regularly testing blood pressure will help the individual identify hypertension before it begins to cause other difficulties in the body because it rarely shows any overt signs.
Managing high blood pressure can be difficult because it necessitates a change in diet, lifestyle, and medical treatment. It is important to strictly adhere to routine check-ups and medical follow-ups to avoid fatal consequences.
Care should be taken during the Treatment of Hypertension
Blood pressure (BP) should commonly be less than 120/80 mmHg; anything above requires medical treatment. At the most reputed general medicine hospital in Vijayawada, the team of general physicians make sure they adopt the following health considerations as a patient with hypertension during the treatment:
Following a food plan and working out every day. Individuals should exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.
Salt consumption needs to be closely monitored. Sodium intake should always be kept under 2.4 grams.
One should ask their doctor about sodium-free salts that can be used in place of regular table salt. The ingredients (minerals) in the replacement items should be checked to be sure they won't harm their health.
A regular plan should be maintained for taking the medications, ideally at a specific time each day.
Blood vessels and other organs may suffer as a result of hypertension. The regular completion of routine exams and testing is advised by doctors.
Blood vessels and other organs may suffer if hypertension is present. Doctors advise periodically obtaining a basic check-up and having tests performed.
Medical follow-ups are required for patients who are under treatment for hypertension.
A blood test, a urine test, an ultrasound or CT scan, and tests for analysing the hormonal activity (thyroid and adrenal glands) should be conducted on a regular basis for diagnosing any other health disparities.
An ECG (electrocardiogram), echocardiography, or Doppler ultrasound is recommended by the doctor as hypertension affects the heart and blood vessels.