Damage to or dysfunction of one or more nerves is known as neuropathy, and the common symptoms include pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected muscles. Neuropathy symptoms often begin in the hands and feet, but they can also affect other parts of the body. It is most often known as peripheral neuropathy, which is a health issue related to the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is nothing but the network of nerves located outside the brain and spinal cord. The damaged nerve fibres are responsible for sending the wrong signals to the pain centres. Hence, neuropathy causes disturbance in the functionality and changes within the region of one or several nerves. About 30% of cases of neuropathy are caused by diabetes. As there is no universally accepted definition of neuropathic pain, it is challenging to determine the incidence and prevalence of neuropathy affecting the population across the globe.
Symptoms of Neuropathy
Depending upon the type and location of the damaged or dysfunctioned nerves, neuropathy symptoms show variations as per the specific individuals. Acute neuropathy refers to symptoms that arise quickly, whereas chronic neuropathy refers to symptoms that appear gradually over time. Some of the common signs and symptoms of neuropathy are discussed below:
Temporary or permanent numbness
Tingling, prickling, or burning sensations
Increased sensitivity to touch
Muscle wasting or weakness
Dysfunction within the organs and the glands
Impairment of urination and sexual function
Treatment for Neuropathy
Finding and treating any underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes or infections, is the first step in treatment. Treatment of neuropathy refers to managing and controlling symptoms while halting future nerve damage. The following are some possible treatments:
Pain medications
The management of Neuropathic pain can be greatly aided by over-the-counter (OTC) oral pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin and ibuprofen. Other pain medications include:
- Antidepressants such as duloxetine and nortriptyline
- Anti-seizure medications such as gabapentin and pregabalin
- Topical (on the skin) patches and creams containing lidocaine or capsaicin
Physical therapy
It helps in improving the strength, balance and range of motion while combining with targeted exercise, massage and other therapies. Visit Manipal Hospitals to know more about Neuropathy Treatment in Vijayawada.
Patients with compression-related neuropathy brought on by conditions like herniated discs in the back or neck, tumours, infections, or conditions where the nerves are entrapped, like carpal tunnel syndrome, may be candidates for surgery.
Mechanical aids
By offering support or maintaining the damaged nerves' appropriate alignment, mechanical aids like braces, casts, splints, and shoes, boots, and shoes with unique designs can help people with pain management.
Proper nutrition
A better diet and ensuring you receive the proper ratio of vitamins and other elements are both essential components of proper nutrition.
Adopting healthy living habits
Adopting healthy lifestyle practices, such as exercising to increase muscle strength, giving up smoking, keeping a healthy weight, and consuming less alcohol.
Medical Procedures
The symptoms of neuropathy can be managed by the doctor using a variety of medical procedures. Plasmapheresis is a blood transfusion that clears your bloodstream of potentially irritating antibodies. Plasmapheresis mainly useful in Guillian Barre syndrome. The doctor will directly inject anaesthetic into the nerves in case of any nerve block.
Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS)
During this treatment, electrodes are applied to the skin at or close to the pain-causing nerves. The skin receives a soft, low-level electrical current from the electrodes. The therapist is responsible for determining the duration and frequency of the provided sessions. TENS therapy works to block pain impulses so they don't get to the brain.
Immune supressing or immune modulating treatments
Several people have autoimmune diseases that result into neuropathy. The treatment for these include oral drugs, IV infusion therapies, or even procedures like plasmapheresis, in which the blood is processed to eliminate antibodies and other immune system cells before being reintroduced to the body. These treatments are intended to prevent the immune system from attacking the nerves.
Complementary treatments
It includes acupuncture, massage, alpha-lipoic acid, herbal medicines, meditation/yoga, behavioural therapy, and psychotherapy. consult with our Neurologist in Vijayawada to know more about the treatment procedures.