The term "cancer survivor" has been used in various contexts; most commonly, a cancer survivor refers to any individual diagnosed with cancer. As a result, survivorship begins with diagnosis and includes the periods of initial treatment with the goal of curing, cancer-free survival, and chronic or intermittent disease.
Cancer patients may experience stress and feeling overwhelmed. It's normal for them to be anxious, fearful, angry, or depressed. Cancer treatments can also make it difficult for them to concentrate or remember things. These feelings and problems can make it challenging for them to work or go about their daily lives.
Cancer patients are eager to return to normal as cancer survivors after treatment. Also, once they have recovered, there are things they can do to improve their long-term health so that they can enjoy the years ahead. They should follow the same guidelines as anyone else who wants to improve their health.
What are the Most Common Issues that Cancer Survivors Face?
Cancer patients frequently find it difficult to move on. Generally, cancer survivors deal with a variety of physical, emotional, or psychological issues, as well as social issues. Some patients may develop Cancer-related PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder):
Common physical issues
Cancer patients may experience chronic issues or issues that arise months or years post treatment. These are secondary effects. It includes:
The chances of having cancer the second time.
People undergoing cancer treatment may suffer from chronic pain.
The occurrence of extreme fatigue after treatment.
Cognitive dysfunction
Bone loss
Skin changes
Emotional or psychological issues
Some of the major issues facing cancer patients who have undergone cancer treatments include fear of cancer recurrence, anxiety, depression, and apprehension with body image and appearance.
Social issues
These include misunderstandings among the family members of the cancer patients as they may not be aware of the facts about cancer. Some of the other social issues a cancer survivor may face are:
Stress regarding their work life and relationships at the workplace
Having a higher risk of cancer even after the treatment
Paying for follow-up appointments and treatments
New housing and transportation requirements
For counseling and the best treatment, you can visit a top Cancer Hospital in Vijayawada.
Cancer Survivors Taking Care of Their Bodies After Treatment
The following strategies have additional benefits for cancer survivors: These simple steps can improve their quality of life and aid in their transition to survivor status. Here are some things cancer survivors can do to take care of themselves after cancer treatment:
Exercise regularly
Eating a balanced diet
Maintaining a healthy weight
Getting enough sleep
Reducing stress
Avoiding the intake of tobacco and drinking alcohol in moderation
Cancer Survivorship Support by the Healthcare Providers
Cancer survivorship support, like cancer treatment, is a collaborative effort. Your cancer survivor team may include the following individuals:
People with recurring or advanced cancers see their oncologists more frequently than those with early-stage cancers.
Primary care providers
If treatment eliminates cancer signs and symptoms, consulting the primary care provider more frequently than the oncology team is preferred.
Counseling and other therapies may be provided by psychologists with specific experience and expertise in helping cancer patients.
Oncology social workers
Social workers assist cancer survivors with issues such as adjusting to lifestyle changes.
Oncology-certified dieticians:
These healthcare providers can assist you in developing a healthy diet.
Care Plans for Cancer Survivors in Cancer Survivorship
The care plan will typically include information about the type of cancer being treated, cancer treatments, and recommendations for check-ups and follow-up tests. Survivorship care plans vary based on the type of cancer a person has or has had previously. But in general, survivorship care plans are as follows:
Check-up schedule
Many people see their healthcare team every three to four months post-treatment, and then slowly reduce their visits after that. That being said, one should notify their healthcare provider if they observe any changes in their body.
Tests to be conducted
Blood and image tests are conducted accordingly.
Potential late effects
Any potential late effects, like a check-up schedule for cancer survivors, will be unique to their situation. Not every type of cancer and/or treatment has long-term consequences.
Cancer survivors need to remember to share everything with their healthcare provider, just like they would do for diagnosis and treatment.
Healthy living recommendations
These could be specifics about healthy eating and exercise.
Resource recommendations
The cancer survivorship care plan may include information on national and regional support groups where one can meet other cancer survivors.
Emotional and Mental Support Provided to CancerSurvivors By Carers
If you're caring for someone who has cancer, you can help him or her cope mentally and emotionally.
Be aware of your loved one's emotions and encourage him or her to discuss them with you and other family members and friends.
If your loved one is concerned about money, check out the list of resources provided by the cancer survivorship care plan.
Encourage your loved one to participate in a support group.
Request a referral to mental health and social support services from your loved one's doctor.
Help your loved one stay as active as possible. Physical activity has been linked to a lower risk of depression in survivors, as well as a lower rate of recurrence of certain types of cancer.
If you are experiencing any cancer symptoms, consult the Best Oncologist in Vijayawada by making an appointment.
Department of Cancer Care/Oncology
Manipal Hospitals, Vijayawada