The lower urinary system, mainly the bladder (cystitis), the prostate (prostatitis), and the upper tract and kidney, are more prone towards infection, which is known as pyelonephritis. The kidney infection (pyelonephritis) occurs due to a bacterial infection and has affected three to seven people out of every 10,000 people in the United States. This infection is easily treatable if the diagnosis is done at the earliest.
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the bacterial group that is responsible for causing 90% of kidney infections. The bacteria is capable of migrating to the genital areas through the urethra (tube for removing urine) into the bladder and to the tubes (ureters) connecting the bladders to the kidneys. Other bacteria, such as staphylococcus, are another bacterial group that causes kidney infections by entering the kidney into the bloodstream. Visit Manipal Hospitals, the Kidney Hospital in Vijayawada for treatment of Kidney infection.
Kidney infections (pyelonephritis) usually occur in patients who are already suffering from some urinary tract infection (UTI), affecting the lower urinary tract (urethra and bladder) and spreads to the kidneys. Hence, kidney infection (pyelonephritis) is the type of urinary tract infection (UTI) that occurs in the bladder and moves towards the upper region of one or both kidneys. In some of the cases, it may result in causing severe health issues, but integrating appropriate treatment at the earliest helps in preventing most of the complications.
A diagnostic approach for Kidney Infection
The patient should seek medical attention immediately for the diagnosis and treatment. The diagnosis of kidney infections (pyelonephritis) includes the determination of the patient’s medical history, a physical examination, and other related tests.
The diagnosis of pyelonephritis includes two common laboratory tests involving one urine sample analysis for examining the presence of white and red blood cells. The lab culture for the urine sample is done. Pyelonephritis can also be diagnosed without any x-rays. CT scans are used to provide images of structures and organs. A renal ultrasound is performed for the evaluation of kidney infection (pyelonephritis).
Treatment for Kidney Infection
The standard treatment for kidney infection includes a specific course of antibiotics before the availability of lab test results. The medication is changed once the bacterial strain is identified. The antibiotics are recommended for 14 days, and there is a possibility of a disappearance of the symptoms. But this does not mean that all the bacteria are killed. Some of them may be alive with chances of infection recurrence. Bacteria may develop resistance to medication that results in making the treatment more difficult for men while extending the medication dose to six weeks. For patients with severe illness, intravenous medication is used.
How is the kidney infection (pyelonephritis) evaluated for eradication?
If the patient has experienced any kidney infection in the recent time, the healthcare professionals will repeat the examination of the urine culture after the treatment to ensure the complete eradication of the kidney infection with no chance of its recurrence. Urine samples are usually taken after six weeks of treatment to examine the eradication of the bacterial infection in the kidney. If the repeated tests show infection again, another dose of antibiotics is recommended to the patient.
Prevention from Kidney Infection
Kidney infection (pyelonephritis) is prevented by preventing bacteria from entering the bladder and the urinary tract. Kidney infections are prevented by avoiding other infection types. Many kidney infections originate as bladder infections, so preventing bladder infections is effective in preventing kidney infections. The best ways of preventing kidney infections are still being studied, but some of the lifestyle modifications need to be adapted, which are illustrated below:
Keep yourself hydrated
Drinking plenty of water aids in keeping the person hydrated and changing their medical condition.
Urinating completely
The bladder should be emptied completely while urinating, as holding urine for a long time may result in promoting bacterial growth. Urinating every single hour helps in flushing the bacteria out of the body and providing protection against the infection.
Urinating after having sex
Urinating after having sex helps in removing any bacteria present in the body. Consult with our nephrologist and renal transplant surgeon in Vijayawada if you are having kidney-related problems.
Practicing good hygiene
It involves maintaining cleanliness and providing protection to the body from any infection. Wiping from front to back after the bowel movement pushes the bacteria away from the urethra, which is important mainly for women.
Consultant - Nephrology
Manipal Hospitals, Vijayawada