Best Robotic Assisted Surgeons in Vijayawada - Manipal Hospitals

Our Robotic Assisted Surgery Experts

Best Robotic Assisted Surgeons in Vijayawada

In the realm of surgical excellence, Manipal Hospitals Vijayawada stands as a pioneer, introducing a paradigm shift in medical interventions through Robotic Assisted Surgery. Uniting cutting-edge technology with surgical finesse, this department emerges as a beacon of transformative care, elevating precision and reshaping the narrative of patient outcomes. Precision Beyond Imagination: Robotic Assisted Surgery at Manipal Hospitals Vijayawada transcends conventional boundaries, offering an un......

In the realm of surgical excellence, Manipal Hospitals Vijayawada stands as a pioneer, introducing a......

Dr. Dharmendra Kumar | Best Surgical Oncology and Robotic Surgeon in Vijayawada


HOD and Chief Consultant – Surgical Oncologist


MBBS | MS(Gold Medal) | DNB(GenSurg) | DNB(Surg Oncology)

Dr. R Dinesh Reddy | Surgical Oncologist in Vijayawada


Associate Consultant - Surgical Oncology and Robotic Surgery


MBBS | MS (Gen Surgery) | Mch (Surgical Oncology)

Dr. Ravi Sankar Ganji | Urologist in Vijayawada | Manipal Hospitals


Consultant - Urology Renal Transplant Surgery & Robotic Surgery


MBBS | MS(General Surgery) | MCh(Urology)