The advent of minimally invasive spine surgery is a big boon. It permits spine doctors in Bangalore to reach the depths of our backbone, using tiny high-definition cameras, high-resolution intra-operative X-rays and computer-guided navigation systems etc.
Disorders of the back are being noticed more frequently these days. Modern-day lifestyles of long sitting and working hours combined with less physical exertion in daily life are a recipe for early onset of back pain, sciatica, cervical spondylosis and other degenerative disorders of the spine. Mostly back and neck problems can be managed with good advice on posture correction, active lifestyle, regular exercise and dietary regulations. However, some of these patients are not lucky enough to recover with these methods and may need to consider undergoing spine surgery to recover from nagging spine problems.
Why Conventional Spine Surgery has been Looked at with a Sense of Fear and Apprehension?
The human spine is a complex structure, where the delicate spinal cord and nerves are protected by a hard bony jacket of multiple vertebrae. Conventionally, to reach the deep-lying nerves and spinal cord, the surgeons had to cut open a lot of normal structures of the back and then perform the actual surgery, to relieve pressure from the nerves. This would cause unwanted damage to normal structures, thus adding to the risk of suboptimal outcomes and avoidable complications.
What does Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Offer to Overcome These Fears?
The advent of minimally invasive spine surgery is a big boon. It permits spine surgeons to reach the depths of our backbone, using tiny high-definition cameras, high-resolution intra-operative X-rays and computer-guided navigation systems etc. These tools help surgeons to avoid cutting the normal structures of the back while accomplishing the task of relieving pressure from the nerves and reconstructing the deformed spine, wherever needed.
What are the Benefits of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?
The high-definition cameras and imaging systems provide a magnified view of spinal structures, thus protecting the delicate nerves and other tissues. This reduces the chance of any inadvertent damage to normal structures of the spine. The patients can quickly recover without needing any prolonged period of bed rest.
Using specialised tools also helps to reduce the risk of avoidable complications that were earlier associated with conventional open spine surgeries.
Some common spine diseases safely treated with MIS surgery are:
Slip Disc
When the soft cartilaginous padding of the disc in between two adjacent bones of the spine slips from its normal location and presses upon spinal nerves, it can lead to excruciating pain in the back and leg. Full Endoscopic spine surgery is one of the most advanced minimally invasive techniques to treat such patients.
Spinal Stenosis
The wear and tear of ageing can sometimes cause the thickening of bones and ligaments within the spinal column. This can create a narrowing of the space available for spinal nerves within the bony tunnel. Minimally invasive surgery can help relieve this narrowing and open up the space, without needing any big cuts in the back.
Degenerative Scoliosis
The wear and tear can sometimes lead to abnormal sideways or forward bending of the spinal column, thus making the patient go off balance leading to degenerative scoliosis. Earlier, such patients needed extensive open spine surgery to correct the deformity. Using minimally invasive techniques, surgeons can now accomplish the same results through tiny multiple incisions, thus protecting the back muscle function.
The benefits of MIS surgery are:
Small incisions as compared to traditional open spine surgery, make the recovery time short for the patient. Fewer stitches are needed (sometimes even a single stitch is enough).
Small scars, that fade away with time, permit a better cosmetic outcome.
The highly specialised tools allow more precision and safer outcomes.
Short stay in the hospital making it more convenient and cost effective for the patients.
Tiny incisions make surgeries less painful and traumatic, permitting early recovery and a return to normal life.
Minimally invasive techniques have brought a great revolution in spine surgeries, enhancing their safety, success and positive outcomes.