Seeing your child suffer from a persistent cough and runny nose is hard. Most of the time, viral infections are responsible for coughs associated with a common cold in children. Knowing the best soothing strategies for your child in their hard times is important.
Treating Cough in Children with Common Cold
Kids often catch colds due to their still-growing immune systems. Cold may seem a negligible problem, but it can impact a child's growth and development. Regular check-ups are crucial to keep your child's growth steady, promoting their overall good health. Your paediatrician will track growth, check your kid’s diet, maintain vaccinations, and identify other health issues early on.
Causes of Common Cold and Cough In Children:
Coughing associated with a cold is a natural reflex that helps clear the airways. Here are the common triggers:
Viral infections
Irritants like smoke, pollution
Dry air
Postnasal drip
In some children, cough and cold can be caused by medical conditions like Asthma, Pneumonia, and Bronchiolitis.
Effects of the Common Cold on Child Development
While the common cold is a frequent and seemingly mild illness in children, it has implications for health and development.
Recurrent cough and cold illnesses can significantly affect your child’s overall growth, including cognitive and physical development, and emotional well-being. Parental concern and anxiety can also impact the child’s perception of their health and well-being.
Frequent illnesses can lead to:
Decreased appetite and absorption of nutrients: Seasonal illnesses are often associated with fatigue, which significantly contributes to loss of appetite in kids. This also disrupts their digestive system, making it harder to absorb nutrition from the very little foods they consume.
Increased irritability: As children become unwell, their symptoms start to appear or become worse in no time, making them feel more uncomfortable.
Disrupted sleep patterns: Coughing from a cold can disrupt sleep patterns as it is difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep.
Missed learning and social interaction opportunities: Missed days of school impact learning and social interaction opportunities.
Managing Symptoms of Cold and Cough in Children
Managing a child's cough involves a holistic approach that promotes comfort and healing. Here are key strategies:
Hydration: Ensure your child drinks enough fluids and keeps himself/herself hydrated. This helps reduce cold and flu symptoms like fever which is usually common in cold.
Air humidifier: Keeping a humidifier in your kid’s room will help break up the mucus in the airways. But, ensure you keep it clean to avoid the risk of mould formation.
Saline nasal drops or sprays: This helps clear up stuffed nasal passages and helps them breathe better.
Avoid cough medicines for children under 6 years old due to potential side effects.
Honey for children over 1 year: Honey is a safer and more effective option to treat cough. It helps loosen the cough. However, if your kid is below 1 year old, discuss with the doctor before feeding them honey as it can cause a rare, poisoning condition called - Botulism in younger infants.
Consult our paediatrician in Whitefield if your child is experiencing symptoms of a common cold and cough.
Home Remedies for Preventing Common Cold and Cough in Children
To boost children's defences against common colds and other illnesses and prevent colds, few home remedies can be adopted.
Below are a few options that you can try as home treatment for cough and cold:
Adopt a nutritious diet for your kid that is rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
Let your child have adequate sleep of 7-9 hours.
Regular exercise is important even though they feel tired due to the illness. Encourage them to get out of bed and get active – maybe walk or jog for some time.
Hygiene practices such as:
Regular handwashing with soap and water, especially before eating or after coughing/sneezing.
Covering the mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing.
Keeping the living area clean and well-ventilated to reduce viruses and allergens.
When to Seek Medical Advice?
It is indeed challenging for you as a parent to see your child in distress. But, remember not all colds and coughs require medical attention. Most colds and coughs resolve on their own within 4-5 days with care at home.
Look for these specific signs that may indicate that medical advice is necessary for your kid:
Persistent coughing for 7 days or more – risk for bronchitis, pneumonia, or asthma
Accompanied by a high fever over 100.4°F or persistent fever – indicates infections
Difficulty breathing, wheezing, rapid breathing, or laboured breaths – indicates asthma or respiratory infections
Unusual symptoms like rash, persistent vomiting, severe headache, or neck stiffness – more severe illness or infection
Change in colour or thickness of mucus (yellow, green, or brown) – indicates a bacterial infection
Night coughing - a sign of asthma or post-nasal drip
Fewer wet diapers and dried mouth – this may be due to dehydration
Your child is sluggish, cranky, or feels ear pain or throat ache while coughing – check for ear or throat infections
Consult our paediatric hospital in Whitefield if your child needs treatment and care for common cold and cough.
If the child has chronic health issues, asthma, heart conditions, or immunity disorders, they should be checked right away as there might be a higher risk of complications. Respiratory illnesses can be severe for infants and young children. If your baby is less than 3 months old and catches coughs and colds, contact your paediatrician without delay.
Here are a few things you can do for your child:
Keep your child hydrated
Help them blow it or suction a runny nose.
Use nasal saline for a blocked nose
Try homemade, non-medicated remedies for cough like honey (for children above 1 year)
To relieve your child’s cough, you can make your child sit up, gargle, etc. Visit our best paediatricians in Whitefield to get a proper diagnosis and rule out other conditions that may be causing the symptoms before you invest in home remedies.
The duration varies based on the type of infection. Most colds and coughs are relieved within a week’s time. But if your child has a persistent cough extended up to 2 weeks, you must visit a doctor and seek medication management as this may indicate a serious infection of the respiratory tract.