With technology advancing faster than ever, it is impossible to imagine life, without gadgets and screens. Undeniably, mobile phones and laptops have become an inseparable part of us. Have you ever bothered to check your screen time? Brace yourself because these numbers are going to shock your mind! How many times have you resolved to spend less time on your phone but failed? Occasionally, we wonder how peaceful we would be if we abandoned all these. But WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Gmail, Google, Twitter, YouTube - our lives seem incomplete without these.
Visit a top psychology hospital for counselling and get more personalised screen de-addiction tips.
When Did We Become So Dependent and Addicted?
Remember those simpler times when we worked and came home to spend time and have dinner with family? Kids used books to study; homework was not just a click away. Remember eagerly waiting to watch your favourite show or cartoon after school for a half hour and then rushing out to play with your friends? The times when sleeping wasn’t a struggle every single day and when our phones weren’t ‘smart’ yet.
Today, everyone has a phone. An old grandmother who wouldn’t even know what a selfie was a few years ago to a toddler who probably can’t even have a mail id without lying about their age. We sleep on a phone and wake up to one. Notifications make us restless. And we are conquered by the fear of missing out. We are so preoccupied with making friends online, scrolling through reels, and sharing snaps that we forget to make real connections.
How is Screen Addiction a Threat to Future Generations?
More often than not, we are well aware of the sabotage brought about by screen addiction. But it is our guilty pressure, our toxic habit. However, its overuse poses a serious threat to us.
In Caldwell Esselstyn’s words, “Genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.”
In a natural progression, due to physical activity being replaced by alarming screen time, people tend to become obese. Being glued to their screens for hours on end, without any movement whatsoever, they also tend to indulge in unhealthy eating habits such as binge eating in front of a screen. Over time, this becomes the more comfortable choice, and they would rather stay locked up in their houses than go for a walk outside in nature. As a result of obesity, their health only deteriorates.
Decrease in sleep quantity and quality
It is an infamous threat we’ve all heard, most likely from our parents. It might seem like a baseless threat, but sadly this is true. To put it in the simplest possible way- the radiation emitted from the device interferes with our bio-physiological processes, preventing us from falling asleep for long periods. A lack of sleep is no joke. It leaves us drained and exhausted, barely functional the next day.
Sleep is precious. More specifically for growing children, an optimum amount is essential each day. However, today’s children have never heard of a sleep schedule. Either due to their academic requirements or simply the kick, they get out of scrolling through relatable content, they often stay up late at night on their phones.
Physical Issues
Lying in bed, checking and rechecking apps can be pretty tiresome. It also leads to disturbing and painful physical issues in the body while few may be less intense but persistent. Some of these are:
Back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Eye strain
Behaviour and Mood problems
People, especially children, often tend to believe everything they see online. And the internet abounds with all sorts of unnecessary, misleading content. A child playing a violent game on his phone acts aggressively in a social context, hitting other kids around him. It often results in low self-esteem and self-image distortions as they make unrealistic comparisons with the content they consume on their phone. For example, you may be stalking someone on Instagram because their life seems perfect and dreamy, while you are still struggling. “Don’t compare your behind-the-scenes with someone’s highlight reel.”
Addiction to screens also emerges as behaviour and mood problems. When denied access, they may rebel, throw tantrums, get restless, fidget, squirm, cry, or feel extremely low as their sole source of dopamine is unavailable. A notification or a call overstimulates them. They have a desperate urge to attend to their phones and lose control over themselves.
A lack of friends is perceived as having no social support, which strengthens the possibility of a mental illness such as depression or anxiety. They get stuck in a vicious circle of mindless scrolling, excessive guilt, and self-loathing. It increases procrastination; they avoid responsibilities till time has almost run out. Their stress levels skyrocket, and we are rendered hopeless and demotivated.
When we spend an unrecommended amount of time on our screens, we sacrifice the time we could use more wisely on productive stuff such as work, studying, learning new things, workout, etc., stuff that keeps our mind active and memory fresh. Thus, over time it may become hard to remember little things. As stated earlier, we may also develop symptoms of depression or anxiety which may be associated with memory loss. It is well-established that sleep is essential for memory and retaining information. So, when we lose sleep, we also lose its perks.
Digital Detoxification
Did those threats instil fear in your mind? Did they give you a much-needed reality check? Understandably, de-addiction is not as easy as it might seem from a third-person perspective. You must be patient with yourself and acknowledge the small steps.
Digital detoxification is using your gadgets consciously and limiting the time spent on them. One may completely disconnect or take well-spaced-out breaks where they redirect their energy and time to increase their quality of life. It has gained immense attention and popularity in recent times. More people have begun to take up this initiative, realizing their degrading habits.
How is Digital Detoxification Effective?
The effectiveness can be weighed by examining how it combats the threats posed by screens.
Increased Productivity
The most obvious one is an increase in productivity. As the time spent on screens reduces, simultaneously, more time is available to cater to other activities that enhance productivity. We can challenge ourselves and beat procrastination. This, in turn, affects our intrinsic motivation and builds a better understanding of our capabilities. We also tend to feel more fulfilled and happier, acquiring the power to break off from the cycle.
Improved Physical and Mental health
Improved physical and mental health is a natural byproduct of digital detoxification. It enhances our quality of sleep. Consequently, our body gets plenty of required rest. It prevents any overstrain exerted on our body and its parts. It facilitates de-addiction that automatically assists in making healthier choices, thus leading to lesser stress levels, anxiety, and depression associated with screens. It keeps us on our toes, allowing us to engage in mindful activities.
Better connection with others
Looking up from our phones, we realize how much more we can do. We can connect to our peers, making memories that last a lifetime. We stop complaining about what others portray to have online and fill ourselves with gratitude for what we have to make the most of it. Phones are a necessary part of our lives and work. However, they shouldn’t become our life.
How to Detox?
Here are some ways you can detox:
Set a timer and restrict screens in bed
Most phones provide ‘Digital Well-being’ that allows you to control how much time you wish to spend on it. Use this feature and let it do wonders. Turn off notifications. You can still use your phone but not feel as overwhelmed when you cannot access it. It may seem like a herculean task initially, but with willpower and determination, it becomes achievable. Moreover, when you begin to notice positive changes in your life, it fuels your grit.
Refraining from using phones in your bedroom strengthens your sleep quality and helps maintain and monitor a sleep schedule in the long run.
Spend time with family and friends
Ensuring valuable time with family and friends helps keep the spark alive. It doesn’t necessarily mean splurging money on exotic vacations. It can be as easy as sitting together at the dining table for a wholesome meal and having a heart-to-heart conversation. In this day and age, we love using our mobile while munching on junk. Why is it a priority to take aesthetic pictures of our food for our followers? For a change, let’s be mindful of what we eat while catching up with the people we love.
Pick up a new hobby
Hobbies keep us young and curious. Learning makes our mind healthy and raises motivation, while screens allow it to rot. Pick up a new hobby. It doesn’t have to be something extravagant. Read a book instead of using a Kindle, learn a new language, cook, swim, paint, or look after your garden. These can effectively replace phones as a source of dopamine.
Prioritize your health
Attend to your physical and mental health through exercise, yoga, and meditation. Make it a habit to work out daily without fail, even if it is only for less time when you start. Keep your mind, body, and soul flexible, healthy, and joyful. On bad days, do not turn to your gadgets for support. Instead, get out of bed and acknowledge your thoughts and feelings holding you captive. Journal and let your mind wander. Seek out those you trust for comfort or advice.
Consult a psychologist in Whitefield if you require counselling and therapy for screen addiction.
Remember that you are never alone. It is okay to take the wrong decisions. What is important is that you don’t let that one bad decision dictate your life. DON’T FALL PREY TO THE CYCLE, AND BREAK FREE WITH NO REGRETS!