Our Success Stories
Patient - Aush | Pre - B ALL | Dr. Vinay Munikoty Venkatesh | Manipal Hospital Whitefield
Concerned with his son’s sudden and continuous illness, Keerthy brought his 2-year-old Aush to Manipal Hospital Whitefield where he was admitted immediately and tests followed to learn the cause of his symptoms. The tests revealed that he was suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Under the care of Dr. Vinay Munikoty Venkatesh, Consultant - Paediatric Hematology & Oncology, Aush underwent 6 months of chemotherapy with noticeable improvement. Here’s his story. To know more about the doctor, click here https://bit.ly/3qOgQYH #ManipalHospitalWhitefield #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #Cancer #PaediatricCancer #AcuteLymphoblasticLeukaemia

Rare Liver Cancer Treatment | Dr. Vinay Munikoty Venkatesh | Manipal Hospital Whitefield
8-year-old Jeevan experienced severe right shoulder pain, fever, and abdominal pain, and also lost around 7 kg of weight in 1 week. Worried at his plight, his parents turned to the Emergency Medicine department at Manipal Hospital Whitefield where investigations revealed a large liver tumour called Hepatocellular Carcinoma, which is quite rare in children. Dr. Vinay Munikoty Venkatesh, Consultant - Paediatric Hematology & Oncology, successfully performed surgery and treated the patient with the support of a multidisciplinary team, and rendered the boy cancer-free. Watch the video to know more about his story. To know more about the doctor, click here https://bit.ly/3qOgQYH #ManipalHospitalWhitefield #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #Cancer #LiverTumour #HepatocellularCarcinoma