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Dr. Shrinivas R P, Consultant - Urology, Manipal Hospital Whitefield, explains the rare medical condition of diphallia, which affects only one in six million births. He emphasises that managing these cases requires a multidisciplinary approach involving urologists, gastroenterologists, and other medical professionals to provide comprehensive and personalised treatment. Check out this article to know more.
#ManipalHospitalWhitefield #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #Urology #Diphallia
Date : May 1, 2023
Publication name : The Indian Express
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Date : May 1, 2023
Publication name : The Indian Express
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Dr. Shrinivas R P, Consultant – Urology, Manipal Hospital Whitefield, emphasizes the importance of early medical attention for urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women to prevent kidney infections. With the urethra being shorter in women than in men, bacteria can easily enter the body and lead to a bladder infection which, if left untreated, can spread to the kidneys. Read this article to know more.
#ManipalHospitalWhitefield #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #Urology #UTI
Date : April 30, 2023
Publication name : BoldSky
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Date : April 30, 2023
Publication name : BoldSky
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
How Should a Sportsman Cope After a Severe Sports Injury?
The article discusses how sportspeople can cope with severe sports injuries. The input of a sports psychologist can be vital to deal with depression, lack of compliance with treatment, straying from healthy dietary habits, and lack of focus on their sport. Acceptance is the psychological state in which an injured athlete is aware of the difficulties of injury but can control their emotions to actively figure out what needs to be done immediately to recover from the injury. The most important part of treating a severe sports injury is medical care. It is crucial to seek assistance from sports medicine specialists who are appropriately qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable about your specific injury to improve the chances of a full recovery in a fair amount of time.
Date : April 30, 2023
Publication name : BoldSky
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Date : April 30, 2023
Publication name : BoldSky
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Dr. Ayyappan V Nair, Consultant - Shoulder Surgery, Sports Medicine, and Arthroscopy, Manipal Hospital Whitefield, Sarjapur, and Jayanagar, highlights the importance of sports psychology and medical care in the recovery process of severe sports injuries. Seeking assistance from qualified sports medicine specialists and accepting the psychological state of injury can help athletes actively work towards recovery, and achieve a full recovery in a reasonable amount of time. Know more from this insightful article.
#ManipalHospitalWhitefield #ManipalHospitalSarjapurRoad #ManipalHospitalJayanagar #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #SportsPsychology #Arthroscopy #SportsMedicine
Date : April 30, 2023
Publication name : BoldSky
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Date : April 30, 2023
Publication name : BoldSky
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Doctor's Opinion: Are Women More Prone To Kidney Infections If UTIs Go Untreated?
According to Dr Shrinivas R P, Consultant – Urology, Manipal Hospitals, women are more prone to kidney infections if urinary tract infections (UTIs) are left untreated. If the UTI spreads to the kidneys, it is categorised as a kidney infection. The urethra in women is shorter than in men, which makes it easier for the bacteria to enter the body and then travel to the bladder. A bladder infection has the potential to move to the kidneys. A pregnant woman is at a higher risk of developing a kidney infection. Fever, chills, back discomfort, and frequent urine can indicate a kidney infection. It is essential to get medical attention very away to avoid problems.
Date : April 30, 2023
Publication name : BoldSky
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Date : April 30, 2023
Publication name : BoldSky
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
World Liver Day: Fatty Liver Disease: An Alarming Concern:
Fatty liver disease is one of the leading causes of liver failure in adults, and early diagnosis is advisable since the condition is reversible with treatment. Obesity, diabetes, excess alcohol intake, and overeating are the main factors that cause the accumulation of extra fat in the liver leading to fatty liver disease. Childhood obesity is a common cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in children. If left untreated, it can progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is also expected to rise exponentially. Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding self-medicating and unnecessary medications, living a healthy lifestyle by avoiding alcohol and smoking and getting timely vaccinations are some steps to maintain liver health. The patient should seek medical help early if concerns such as jaundice, unexplained tiredness, lethargy, nausea or abdominal pain occur.
Date : April 27, 2023
Publication name : Bangalore Mirror
Link: https://bangaloremirror.indiat...
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Date : April 27, 2023
Publication name : Bangalore Mirror
Link: https://bangaloremirror.indiat...
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Arthroscopic Synovectomy: Who needs it and why?
Arthroscopic Synovectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that removes inflamed synovial tissue from inside a joint using an arthroscope. The procedure is recommended for patients with inflammatory joint conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or other forms of inflammatory arthritis. The purpose is to remove the inflamed synovial tissue, reduce joint pain and inflammation, and slow down or prevent further joint damage. Arthroscopic synovectomy depends on factors, including the severity of the joint inflammation, joint damage and the patient's overall health and medical history. According to Dr Ayyappan V Nair, Shoulder Surgery, Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy at Manipal Hospital, arthritic conditions or conditions affect the synovium, such as Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS), the synovium produces abnormal fluid or cartilaginous bodies inside. In this scenario, the synovium is partially or entirely removed. It is a quick procedure and takes only around half an hour time. Patients can stay in the hospital for one day after the procedure for observation.
Date : April 5, 2023
Publication name : Hindustan Times
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Date : April 5, 2023
Publication name : Hindustan Times
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Is it heartburn or a heart attack?
Heartburn and heart attack are different health problems, often confused due to similar symptoms, particularly chest pain. Heartburn is caused by excessive acid secretion in the stomach, which creates a burning sensation in the upper area of the stomach. A heart attack is a life-threatening emergency caused by a decrease in blood flow. According to Dr Rockey Katheria, Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Manipal Hospitals, the signs and symptoms of a heart attack can differ significantly from one person to another, including chest pain, back or jaw pain, nausea or vomiting and shortness of breath. Stress, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, smoking and being overweight are serious risk factors for heart attacks. Spicy foods, a high-fat diet, insufficient water intake, meal irregularity, stress, smoking, and alcohol consumption can cause heartburn. The doctor explains the symptoms of heartburn and a heart attack are similar; patients should evaluate themselves immediately in the case of persistent chest pain. If someone experiences persistent chest pain, they should immediately seek emergency medical help.
Date : April 4, 2023
Publication name : Happiest Health
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Date : April 4, 2023
Publication name : Happiest Health
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Heat rash is a common skin condition caused by excessive perspiration throughout the summer. It is distinguished by little red pimples on the skin that itch and cause discomfort. Dry skin is crucial for avoiding heat rash. The skin can be soothed and irritation reduced by cold baths or lukewarm water. There are various things one may do to relieve and aid the rash in healing if it develops a heat rash. In addition to heat rash, summer can result in dehydration, food sickness, and heat stroke. Wearing breathable clothing, staying adequately hydrated, and avoiding restaurant food held for a long time are all advised to keep healthy throughout the summer.
Date : March 29, 2023
Publication name : Happiest Health
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Date : March 29, 2023
Publication name : Happiest Health
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Heart attacks are becoming more prevalent and can be lethal due to lifestyle and genetic factors. The most dangerous is a STEMI or a widowmaker heart attack. The term widowmaker means "something lethally harmful." This term increases awareness among patients to seek medical care, said Dr Pradeep Haranahalli, Consultant - Interventional Cardiologist at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore. Widowmaker heart attacks are life-threatening due to the blockage in the LAD's left anterior descending artery, which supplies more than 50% of blood to the heart. It can be caused by factors such as age, gender, and lifestyle. The risk can be reduced by having a healthy diet, avoiding saturated fat, managing diabetes, exercising, avoiding smoking and maintaining an optimum weight.
Date : March 2, 2023
Publication name : The Indian Express
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru
Date : March 2, 2023
Publication name : The Indian Express
Manipal Hospitals :Whitefield, Bengaluru