Voice Prosthesis Surgery Treatment in Whitefield

Voice Prosthesis Surgery

Voice Prosthesis Surgery in Bangalore

Voice Prosthesis Surgery for CA Larynx 

A voice prosthesis is the most common way to restore speech after a total laryngectomy surgery to remove your whole voice box. This is usually the result of laryngeal cancer when cancer starts in the voice box (larynx). It is a rare type of head and neck cancer. Tracheo oesophageal puncture (TEP) is the most common way to restore speech after surgery to remove your larynx (laryngectomy). 

Why choose Manipal Hospitals

Our Head and Neck cancer unit sports a team of onco surgeons distinguished in their domain of treating the expansive range of head and neck cancers. Advanced diagnostic and radio imaging technology empowers them with the right amount of data to map these complex procedures including voice prosthesis after laryngectomy.

Solutions of Voice Prosthesis surgery

The voice prosthesis is a valve that allows you to make sounds by pushing air from your lungs through the valve and up into your mouth. In this surgery, the surgeon makes a tiny hole called a fistula at the back of your stoma or opening on the abdomen. The hole creates an opening between your windpipe and food pipe. A tube (catheter) may be inserted into the hole to keep it open or maybe a small valve (voice prosthesis) during the operation. 

Complexities of Voice Prosthesis surgery

Some of the risks entail allergic reactions to medicines, breathing difficulty, infection, bleeding, aspiration, failure of the prosthesis, injury to the trachea (windpipe) or oesophagus, or even complications from anaesthesia. 

Number of cases

The Head and Neck Cancer Division has performed close to a lakh voice prosthesis surgery on head and neck cancer patients from all over the world. 

The Success of Voice Prosthesis Surgery

According to data, success rates range from 50% to 90%, and the results of surgical rehabilitation using voice prostheses are, on average, better than rehabilitation by oesophagal speech, with a success rate of 33%.

Infection control protocol

Post operative care after a voice prosthesis surgery is crucial in determining the rate of recovery. And when the chances of infections are less, recuperation happens at a faster pace. Manipal Hospital takes pride in its stringent infection control protocol that galvanises a quicker rate of recovery among head and neck cancer patients. 

Consult our hospital if you need Voice Prosthesis Surgery in Bangalore. 

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