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Angiogram, which is also known as angiography, involves imaging technique that uses X-rays to visualize the inside of blood vessels and organs of the body, with particular emphasis in the arteries, veins, and the chambers of the heart. This is achieved after the injection of a radio-opaque agent into the blood vessel. Manipal Hospital offers CT angiogram in Bangalore having best cardiologists in Bangalore who are experts in treating complex and rare heart conditions.
Angiograms are used for checking the health of blood vessels and how blood flows through them. It is useful in the medical field in the diagnosis or investigation of a variety of problems that may affect the blood vessels, including:
Atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), which could mean you’re at risk of having a stroke or heart attack.
Peripheral arterial disease (low blood supply to the muscles of the leg).
A brain aneurysm (a swelling in a blood vessel in the brain).
Angina (chest pain that takes place when the blood supply to the heart muscle is limited).
Blood clots or a pulmonary embolism (a blockage in the artery supplying your lungs).
A blockage in the blood supply to your kidneys.
Angiogram may also be used to help plan treatment for some of these conditions.
There are many types of the angiogram, and they depend on the body is under question. Common types include:
Coronary angiogram: To check the heart and nearby blood vessels
Carotid angiogram: To check the blood vessels in head and neck region
Cerebral angiogram: To check the blood vessels in and around the brain
Pulmonary angiogram: To check the blood vessels supplying the lungs
Renal angiogram: To check the blood vessels supplying the kidneys
Peripheral angiogram: To check the blood vessels of legs or arms
Sometimes angiography may be done by using scans rather than X-rays. These are called computerized tomography (CT) angiography or magnetic resonance (MR) angiography. There is another type of angiography which is used in checking the eyes called a fluorescein angiogram. This is different to the angiograms which we have discussed above.
Do not eat or drink after midnight on the night before the procedure, or as directed by your health care provider.
Ask your physician if you may drink enough water to take any needed medicines the morning of the procedure.
Any allergies you have, including allergies to shellfish or contrast dye.
Any medication you are undergoing; these may include vitamin, herbs, creams, eye drops, and OTC medicines.
Any problems you or family members have had with anesthetic medicines.
Any blood disorders you have.
Any surgeries you have had.
Any previous kidney problems or failure you have had.
Any medical conditions you have.
Possibility of pregnancy, if this applies.
You may be given medicine to help you relax (sedative) before and during the procedure. This medicine is given through an IV access tube that is inserted into one of your veins. The area where the catheter will be inserted will be washed and shaved. This is usually done in the groin but may be done in the fold of your arm (near your elbow) or in the wrist.
Medicine will be given to numb the area where the catheter will be inserted (local anesthetic). The catheter will be inserted with a guidewire into an artery. The catheter is guided by using a type of X-ray (fluoroscopy) to the blood vessel being examined. Thereafter, a dye is pushed into the catheter using injection, and X-rays were done. The dye helps to show where any narrowing or blockages are located.
Your doctor will remove the catheter when the angiogram is finished. The access site then needs to be sealed. Either a nurse will press on it for about 20 minutes or you’ll have a small plug put in to seal it. This dissolves on its own over the next few weeks.
Angiograms aren’t usually painful. You usually have the procedure under local anesthesia so you won’t feel any pain where the catheter enters your artery. If you’re anxious or worried, you can have a sedative to relieve anxiety and help you relax. If you have your angiogram through the groin, you may feel a pushing and pulling sensation around your groin during the procedure. The local anesthetic may cause pins and needles and tingle in your leg on that side. If you are suffering from any pain, discuss it with the doctor or nurse; they will give you adequate medication.
Generally, an angiogram is a safe procedure. However, as with any procedure, problems can occur. Possible problems include:
Injury to the blood vessels, including rupture or bleeding.
Infection or bruising at the catheter site.
Allergy due to the dye or contrast is used.
Kidney damage from the dye or contrast used.
Blood clots which may result in a stroke or heart attack.
Usually, an angiogram in the wrist is likely to cause fewer side-effects than the one done through your groin. There will be some bruising, swelling or bleeding, especially on the place where catheter got into your artery. This should disappear on its own after a few days. If the problem continues or gets worse, consult your doctor.
If the procedure is done through the leg, you will be kept in bed lying flat for several hours. You will be instructed to not bend or cross your legs. The insertion site will be checked frequently. The pulse in your feet or wrist will be checked frequently. Additional blood tests, X-rays, and electrocardiography may be done. You may have to be staying in the hospital for the night under observation.
Manipal Whitefield Hospital: A trusted provider of angiogram services over the years
Manipal Hospital is the best CT coronary angiogram hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore having top cardiologists in Whitefield, Bangalore who are experts in angiogram procedure and other heart-related conditions. It is one of the best and trusted hospitals for hundreds of patients seeking cardiology services in the city of Bangalore and its nearby areas. We are equipped with the best team of cardiologists and radiologists who are well experienced in all aspects of simple to complex aspects of cardiology including an angiogram.
The team of experts draws support from the most modern technological innovations for diagnosis and treatment. They also draw support from highly skilled medical and nursing team members who provide personalized care for faster recovery of the patients.
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