
Dr. Govind Nandakumar

Consultant - Surgical Gastroenterology Laparoscopic GI Onco surgery

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Dr. Govind Nandakumar

Consultant - Surgical Gastroenterology Laparoscopic GI Onco surgery

Manipal Hospitals, Yeshwanthpur

Fibre Your Piles Don’t Laser

Posted On: Feb 20, 2023

blogs read 4 Min Read

Piles treatment with laser

Pile is a common term used by patients. Often patients attribute any discomfort in the anal region to "piles." Haemorrhoids are the medical term for piles, and they refer to a cluster of blood vessels present in all of us in the anal region. They cause discomfort when they enlarge, bleed, protrude (prolapse), or itch. The majority of haemorrhoids do not need surgery. They need a high-fibre diet. Prior to attributing bleeding to hemorrhoids it is important to ensure that a colonoscopy is done to rule out a tumour or malignancy. At Manipal Hospitals, the team of gastroenterologists in yeshwanthpur provides personalised care for every patient for a better and faster recovery.

Inducing Factors for Piles

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of piles, including:

  • Constipation

Straining during bowel movements can cause increased pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus, leading to the development of piles.

  • A Low-Fibre Diet

A diet that is low in fibre can lead to constipation and hard stools, putting additional strain on the veins in the rectum and anus.

  • Prolonged Sitting

Spending long periods of time sitting, especially on the toilet, can increase pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus.

  • Obesity

Being overweight or obese can put additional pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus, contributing to the development of piles.

  • Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the increased pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus due to the growing uterus can lead to the development of piles.

  • Aging

As people get older, the supporting tissues in the rectum and anus can weaken, increasing the risk of piles.

  • Genetics

Some people may have a genetic predisposition to developing piles.

It's important to keep in mind that not all of these factors will lead to the development of piles in every individual, and some people may develop piles without any known risk factors. If you have any symptoms or concerns, it's always best to consult a healthcare professional.

Fibre over Laser

Fibre is a recommended dietary component for people with piles because it can help prevent constipation and soften stools, reducing the pressure on the haemorrhoidal veins and preventing further irritation and injury. Increasing fibre intake through dietary means or through the use of supplements can be a simple, non-invasive, and effective way to manage piles.

Majority of hemorrhoids do not need surgery. When consistent fiber usage does not relieve symptoms or if there is persistent bleeding, pain or infection procedures are suggested. Internal hemorrhoids are often banded using a rubber band ligator. External hemorrhoids are best managed with surgical removal. Hemorrhoids that protrude (prolapse) can also be removed. Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy has been used for prolapsing hemorrhoids, however long term data suggest that the risk of hemorrhoids coming back is higher.

Unfortunately, piles treatment with laser has become popular and widely promoted. This is not recommended by practice guidelines written by reputed societies such as the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. For patient that continue to have symptoms while on fiber surgical intervention, not “laser therapy” should be considered.

Lifestyle modifications, healthy defecatory habits, good amount of fiber and exercise are important irrespective of any procedural intervention. A daily sugar-free fibre supplement called Isabgol can do wonders. The recommended amount of daily fiber is about 25gms for women and 35gms for men per day. So, fiber your hemorrhoids, do not laser them.

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