The body's most movable joint is the shoulder, and the range of motion in the shoulder is broad and flexible. The humerus (long arm bone), clavicle (collarbone), and scapula are the three primary bones that make up the ball-and-socket joint in the shoulder (also known as the shoulder blade). The ability of a person to move freely is hampered by shoulder problems, which can also be quite painful and uncomfortable. The shoulder, due to the presence of the ball and socket function, can move both forward and backward. Additionally, it enables the arm to rotate and rise and fall away from the body.
A person is more likely to have shoulder problems as they become older, especially after the age of 60. This is due to the soft tissues that surround the shoulder deteriorating over time. Playing some sports, manual labor, and even repeated movement can lead to shoulder injuries. There are some illnesses that might cause shoulder pain as well. These include conditions affecting the cervical spine (neck), as well as ailments of the heart, liver, or gallbladder. It is extremely common for some people that their aches and pains feel stronger and bother them more frequently when the fall chill is around. In cold weather, many people exercise less because they experience generalized stiffness. Even in chilly temperatures, tolerable shoulder and neck issues can suddenly become more problematic.
Causes of Shoulder Pain
Lower temperatures might induce shoulder pain for a variety of reasons. The reasons are as follows:
When temperatures drop, poor posture is frequently a contributing factor to discomfort, aches, and pains in the shoulders and neck.
The neurological system may cause changes in the body during cool weather, causing muscles to contract and narrow blood vessels in the arms, neck, and shoulder blades. This is believed to be a reflex to reduce heat loss from the body's extremities and core, allowing the body's internal temperature to be maintained in its organ systems.
As a result of the inability to move as frequently and effectively as a person should, each day due to discomfort in cold weather, the joints become stiffer and the muscles become less flexible. The fear that we carry in our neurological system causes us to move less or move in unnatural ways.
The detrimental effects on the nervous system are exacerbated by feelings of fear and anxiety caused by colder weather.
Our sense of pain can be heightened by holding muscles in a shortened, tight position for extended periods of time.
To know more consult with the best orthopedic surgeon in Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore.
Treatment Measures for Shoulder Pain
On average, 18 to 26% of people experience shoulder pain or tightness on a regular basis, and the healing process for shoulder pain might take up to eight weeks. So, for healthy living, early intervention is crucial. A person can take proactive steps to help themselves reduce neck and shoulder discomfort and stiffness in winter if they are aware of the impact that cold air can have on the tissues in that area. Along with that, shoulder pain is frequently treatable at home. However, sometimes shoulder pain treatment in Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore may also be required to undergo surgery, medication, or physical therapy for a better outcome.
Strengthening muscles and reducing inflammation (swelling and redness) are common treatments for shoulder pain. In order to relieve shoulder pain, professionals advise using a few different methods at home, which are as follows:
Shoulders can stay strong and flexible with regular exercises and stretches. Chest stretches, shoulder circles, chest expansion, neck release seated twists, and eagle arms spinal rolls are the common exercises that are recommended and can be done to reduce shoulder pain.
Heat eases stiff shoulders and relaxes tense muscles. Muscle aches and shoulder arthritis might both be relieved by it. A hot water bottle, heating pad, or heated gel pack can be helpful in such cases.
When there is muscle tension or spasms at the shoulder joint, muscle relaxants may be used to manage pain.
Consultant - Orthopedic Joint Replacement and Arthroscopic Surgeon
Manipal Hospitals, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore