There are advantages to working from home, such as a flexible dress code, no stress of commuting, and so on. However, there are drawbacks as well. Sitting slouched on the couch while working instead of using an ergonomic chair at a desk might cause back and neck problems. It has been observed that home office setup may not be the best for health for several reasons, including the chair's height relative to desk height, how frequently the person gets up from the chair, on the desk, the position of the monitor or computer, and the type and firmness of the chair as well.
Reasons Behind Back Pain
Usually, most residential settings just lack space for today's ergonomic office furniture; few people choose not to purchase it, especially if they spend most of their time working at an office. Therefore, it is believed that anyone who is doing work from home, either sitting in a lounge chair or on the bed, using a computer on a conventional table or a kitchen countertop. There is a likelihood of the fact that wherever someone sets up their home office, they won't be sitting in the right position or following an ideal position. Also, working in one posture without taking breaks is a primary source of back and neck pain, even in offices with ergonomic furniture. A person may have excruciating back and shoulder discomfort if they consistently act in the same way, and in the long run, there is a risk of severe back-related problems as well. To avoid the risks, consult with an orthopaedic doctor in Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore.
As recent office management realize that some tasks no longer require traditional in-office hours, remote working will likely continue to be the standard for millions of employees long after the pandemic. The bad news is that if you are already experiencing physical exhaustion, you may be headed for a musculoskeletal injury that could prove to be permanently crippling. Examples of such injuries include a hurting back, sore shoulder and neck, carpal tunnel syndrome, and deep vein thrombosis, a condition in which blood clots form in your body's deepest veins, etc. So, it is crucial to visit a professional at the earliest for a consultation in order to receive better care.
Preventive Measures to Avoid Back Pain
It is recommended to people who are working from home, work as much as possible in a neutral posture, in a relaxed stance in which no body part is abnormally twisted or bent, and take short breaks to move in order to increase circulation. It is important to get up from the chair every 30 minutes, even if it's only to stretch and move. Some other measures that can also be taken to avoid such issues are as follows:
Keep a straight neck while working
Your head needs to constantly shift up and down if you're reading from an iPad or flat documents on a table. Use a vertical document holder or place the iPad on a stand if you are switching between a laptop or computer screen.
Viewing a computer screen with a straight neck
Place the computer screen in front of you at a convenient viewing height. Avoid looking down at the screen, such as a laptop or phone on a table, and work on that. Also, avoid tilting the computer or laptop screen so that you have to twist your neck. In the case of using a laptop or a separate screen, you might have to raise it to a convenient viewing height directly in front of you by placing it on a stack of books or a cardboard box. For treatment of back pain, visit an ortho hospital in Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore today.
Sit back in the chair
Avoid attempting to sit up straight and avoid leaning forward in the chair like a turtle. A person should sit back in the chair so that the back of the chair supports part of the person’s weight. Using a cushion or towel that has been wrapped up behind the lower back can also help if the chair does not have adequate lower-back support.
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